Author Topic: Block Wars (Digg it, Badspot said so!)  (Read 16684 times)

That's right, the first 9 minutes are done, and you can watch it here!
Or on Youtube!

EDIT: If you're having troubles watching it, try turning HD off!

Be sure to leave a comment telling us what you think!

If you want to get in on the action of this film, you're not too late because it's still in production! If you have a talent that could be used in the movie such as special effects, scripting, or even voice acting, head on over to my informational post here for further instructions.

Also as goes for this being in Off Topic, I wasn't sure whether to put it in General Discussion, Gallery, or Creativity. So I said forget it and put it here.

Digg it, Badspot said so.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2009, 07:14:08 PM by WRB852 »

good movie
a lot of funny stuff A++ would watch again

Le Gasp.

We... we have ... A MOVIE?!

Ha ha! One long year and a half bitches! And you all thought it was dead.

was really choppy on my comp...

Vimeo just stopped working, it's probably having troubles. From what I can tell, 6 people are trying to access it at the moment.

Holy stuff, way to do an awesome loving job bro'.

C3PO is so forizzle in my shizzle

Edit: this is a work of art. :O
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 12:22:45 AM by onyx6 »

that was just awesome.  That was a great laugh.

and instead of C3P0, it's N1GR.  Lol, win.

Edit: what's the Block Wars official site? :o
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 12:40:48 AM by jirue »