Author Topic: [Weapons] Half-Life 1 Weapons Megathread (update June 30th)  (Read 15981 times)

NOTE: This thread contains updated versions of all weapons. If you downloaded any of the previous weapons, updated versions can be found here.

Half-Life 1 Guns
Set of generic ballistic guns from Half-Life 1 with unique attributes. Bullets fired from these guns have a chance to ricochet.
- 18 round magazine
- Right click to rapid-fire

- 50 round magazine
- Right click to launch a grenade

- 6 round magazine
- Very fast round

- 8 round magazine
- Reloads one round at a time, hold click to abort reload
- Right click to double fire

- 5 round magazine
- Right click to fire a small explosive arrow
- Left click to fire an extremely fast bolt

- Hold left click to swing rapidly
- Right click for heavy swing

Version 1.0.1, last updated June 30, 2017, 11:37:43 AM


Tau Cannon and Gluon Gun
Old thread:

Changes in this version:
- Optimized Gluon Gun
- Gave the Tau Cannon a new, more HL1 looking model
- Tau cannon causes knockback
- Tau cannon charging greatly simplified, just hold right-click to charge
- Removed an obsolete and insecure function


Laser Trip-mine
Old thread:


Changes in this version:
Fixed problem with picking up defused mines while in a minigame
Added the following commands:
/tripmineUpdateSpeed %speed      - Default 33, sets the speed at which the ghost updates
/tripmineBeamWidth %width         - Default 0.5, sets the width of the laser
/tripmineToggleStrictNormals      - Default false, toggles whether or not tripmines can be placed on non-flat surfaces
/tripmineDeleteTime %time         - Default -1, sets the time after which a tripmine will auto delete (-1 = forever)
/tripmineToggleTouchDet         - Default true, toggles whether or not mines explode when touched
/tripmineToggleMiniDespawn         - Default true, toggles whether or not mines are removed when mini resets
/tripmineToggleInfUses            - Default false, toggles whether or not tripmines are removed upon being placed
/tripmineToggleFriendlyDet         - Default false, toggles whether or not teammates can trigger your tripmine
/tripmineColor %r %g %b         - Default 0.25 0.5 0.25, sets tripmine color
/tripmineLaserColor %r %g %b %a   - Default 0 1 1 0.5, sets laser color


Hornet Gun
Old Thread:

Changes in this version:
Improved model
Removed huge brick fakekill radius
Added command:
/ToggleHornetGunHud - Default true, turns hornet counter on/off


Laser Guided Rocket Launcher
Old thread:

Changes in this version:
Added knockback
Added blowback particle effect
Fixed issue that would sometimes leave a stranded laser-dot


Satchel Charge
Old Thread:


Changes in this version:
Added command:
/SatchelChargeMaxAmt %amount - Default 10, sets the amount of charges a player can have out at a given time (assuming infinite uses is enabled)


Old thread:


No changes.

« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 01:48:47 PM by Rally »

Great Job on these! Catch me later, I'll buy ya a beer.

the guns are cool but the shotgun is a bit forgeted with the scaling

i really do like the minimalistic reloading animation on the revolver, kinda sad you didn't do the same for the other weapons
not a big fan of the bullet hit emitters used here, they look kinda ugly tbh
the rest of the weapons like the laser explosive ones are great

could probably change the gun hit effects by putting this in the console or something
HL1BulletProjectile.explosion = gunExplosion;

should change it for all bullets

Also idk none of this stuff is super permanent, admittedly I had to speed up the process and get it out ASAP because I'm about to travel which can sometimes postpone my projects for months

Expect HD pack weapons and some Opposing Force weapons in the future
« Last Edit: June 22, 2017, 10:21:46 AM by Rally »

This doesn't overide stuff in the Old School/Defaultish Weapon packs with the same names, right?

its high noon

ot: make a slam mine