
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2351576 times)

Doing everything to help includes aiding those countries and making sure people fleeing those war torn countries that we fight in have somewhere safe to go. So far we love to spend billions of dollars on the first aspect of fighting with the countries, but absolutely hate the idea of helping refugees who are fleeing for the sake of their family and safety

Good idea

you can read the link tezuni shared or you can look at this thing i googled quickly
[img  width=400]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/98/be/6e/98be6e557ec1854ae03583ea0bd4bbd2.jpg[/img]

"google is my source"

brother, post an actual source, not some random image you snapped off of google

Maybe we should be focusing our energy on stopping terrorism rather than stopping random muslims who have less than a 1% chance of being terrorists
stopping terrorism would be screening refugees as they come in rather than going "#HUGAMUSLIM!!!!" and allow them to flow in and cause stuff to happen

notice how europe with their mass immigration has significantly more terrorist attacks extremely recently rather than other countries who refuse to allow them in?

the real argument you are avoiding is that a massively alarming fraction of Muslims are radical
So if you're going to condemn the majority of muslims as terrorists, you are essentially condemning the victims of terrorist attacks too

massively alarming fraction ≠ majority of muslims
Your responses are lazy at best and willfully misrepresentative of the discussion at worst.

>not all Muslims are radical
>not even most Muslims are radical
>a significant and alarming amount of Muslims are radical and i've already shown that in this thread, broken down by each major Muslim country
« Last Edit: May 31, 2017, 10:39:15 PM by Tezuni 2.0 »

Your responses are lazy at best and willfully misrepresentative of the discussion at best.
massively alarming fraction ≠ majority of muslims

>not all Muslims are radical
>not even most Muslims are radical
>a significant and alarming amount of Muslims are radical and i've already shown that in this thread, broken down by each major Muslim country

I'm talking about terrorists, not people that exercise their freedom of speech and hold beliefs. Last I checked, believing in something doesn't count as terrorism.

stopping terrorism would be screening refugees as they come in rather than going "#HUGAMUSLIM!!!!" and allow them to flow in and cause stuff to happen

notice how europe with their mass immigration has significantly more terrorist attacks extremely recently rather than other countries who refuse to allow them in?
Notice how all those countries have terrorist attacks perpetrated by naturalized citizens born in that country.

I'm talking about terrorists, not people that exercise their freedom of speech and hold beliefs. Last I checked, believing in something doesn't count as terrorism.
nice dodge

Notice how all those countries have terrorist attacks perpetrated by naturalized citizens born in that country.

massively alarming fraction ≠ majority of muslims
Your responses are lazy at best and willfully misrepresentative of the discussion at worst.

>not all Muslims are radical
>not even most Muslims are radical
>a significant and alarming amount of Muslims are radical and i've already shown that in this thread, broken down by each major Muslim country

ok but either way it comes down to whether or not you're willing to risk a possible sacrifice of your own people to help integrate others into your nation
"google is my source"

brother, post an actual source, not some random image you snapped off of google
dude he just said read tezuni's source from before, or google it

nice dodge
you never provide anything of value to any discussion

i'm not here to do the research for you. if you want to prove me wrong, find the source and post it

i'm not here to do the research for you. if you want to prove me wrong, find the source and post it
monday you made the claim, you have to provide your proof. The burden of proof is not on me, don't dodge it.

monday you made the claim, you have to provide your proof. The burden of proof is not on me, don't dodge it.

monday you made the claim, you have to provide your proof. The burden of proof is not on me, don't dodge it.
I have nothing to prove to you. You exist solely to be contrary to people you don't agree with and that's it. Posting a source won't do anything because you don't even participate in any discussion beyond "lol you're retared" or some other inflamed stuff

I have nothing to prove to you.
If you aren't willing to post the sources to your claims, don't make them in the first place forget face

If you aren't willing to post the sources to your claims, don't make them in the first place forget face
the burden of proof is on him but you have yet to add anything to the discussion so why bother