Author Topic: I am become Jesus, destroyer of dong  (Read 2160 times)

Praise be unto thee, whom has achieved the numbered age of 19.

if this is a birthday thread happy birthday but if it's not then what the forget

Merry Christmas Birthday

You only get presents once a year.

if this is a birthday thread happy birthday but if it's not then what the forget
shadowsfear is jesus

you do not understand the cargon ways
forget the story of father christmas
tell me the cargon ways

forget the story of father christmas
tell me the cargon ways

the cargon ways cannot be explained to those who will not comprehend
(I'm saying you're dumb)

I could've sworn Jesus was older than 19 years...

the cargon ways cannot be explained to those who will not comprehend
(I'm saying you're dumb)
but dost that not make thee man loving?
(I'm saying you're gay)

but dost that not make thee man loving?
(I'm saying you're gay)


I could've sworn Jesus was older than 19 years...

Nop the stories r lies

Happy Christmas!

Merry Birthday!

happy birthday jesus tapdancing christ