Author Topic: my guns store  (Read 1227 times)

heres pic of outside :)

heres a pic to inside

more pics comin soon

Look a box with prints on top

Wrong place, and this needs way more detail.
For example, why such a low roof?
Why not add some shingles or a sunroof.

I absolutely cannot stand it when people use 5x height blocks alone for the walls.
It makes the ceiling way too short.
Adding just one 1x height block for each 5x one will easily fix the problem, as well as allowing you to have a nice trim at the top of the walls.

>5 Bricks tall walls

Talk about one claustrophobic house, I'm sick of seeing that stuff. 7 bricks is a perfect number, maybe 8 if you're going for something fancy or elaborate.

Also wrong section.

ok guys srry i placed it in wong place :P

Hey, just out of curiousity, when did you join? Wait, am I posting this in the wong section? xD


At least they're in cases unlike that one guy's gun store that didn't even have a roof

Can we just let this die or get locked?
It's in the wrong place anyway.

Not to mention the other topic is in gallery.

>5 Bricks tall walls

Talk about one claustrophobic house, I'm sick of seeing that stuff. 7 bricks is a perfect number, maybe 8 if you're going for something fancy or elaborate.

Also wrong section.
Agreed.  Everyone uses the 5 Brick Tall walls...  For my detailed homes... I use 1x2-1x6