Author Topic: Sugar - What the hell is this guy's problem?  (Read 7788 times)

Firstly, I'd like to apologise for the lack of evidence and how poorly the drama has been done. I'm not good at making dramas... but I guess that's a good thing in a way.

The user Sugar (BL_ID: 34476) is not really a player you'd want to be friends with. Let alone, allow to be admin.
Now Sugar has got probably BL's worst grammar ever. All he does is say a user's name then a question after it. I'm not judging him by grammar though.
Sugar has been annoying me for quite a while. I'm not sure why he's doing it but he always does it to me and the rest of the admins on my server.
And every time I end up in the same game as him he always asks the same thing over and over.
"adz duff rain              friend yes/no"
I do not want to be this person's friend. I never have and never will. Especially now.

I joined a family rp (Yes, a Family rp. Roll "Well there's your problem!" comments.), fun girl's to be precise.
First time I joined it, before I spawned I was banned for 10 minutes for the reason "stop"
Stop? Stop what? Not wanting to be your friend? Sorry, ain't gonna happen.
I join a few days later (Today) and have a look around.
I noticed I was being observed. Most likely him. He then fetches me, asks me the stupid question and I do not respond to him. I don't talk a lot anymore.
I then leave the area he fetched me and go to build a house. I used build bot to make the house and he clears my bricks. No warnings at all. I asked him why he did it but being him with his horrid grammar, I don't think he understood me.
So I go to build manually. He comes over and destroys my house with the descructo-wand..
Excuse me? Did I walk into a family rp where building is illegal?
Well, I don't know, but I got banned again. This time for 59 minutes and for the reason "bad"
I tried to join a few minutes later to see I was un-banned.
Then this happens (sorry for page stretch):

Either this guy has serious issues with me, or he has some sort of issue. I recommend not admining him. But him asking to be your friend? Either leave or if your admin, get him off the server.


I have to agree Sugar has the worst grammar ever.

Plus when I was in a house build with him all he did was d-wand my baseplate.

He seems... young.
Yeah, I do believe he is young, but he's a really annoying child.

sugar is a girl with autism, try not to be TOO hard on her.

Sugar is Farmer's sister. Please be careful and gentle with Farmer and Sugar.
sugar is a girl with autism, try not to be TOO hard on her.

#1 solution: stop hanging around stuffty servers that he hangs around
#2 solution: stop hanging around him

yeah ill antagonize you, stop trying to trail this person and then cry a river when he annoys you to hell

Use an ignoremod and leave her alone.
#1 solution: stop hanging around stuffty servers that he hangs around
#2 solution: stop hanging around him

yeah ill antagonize you, stop trying to trail this person and then cry a river when he annoys you to hell
So he can not have fun then?

I shouldn't go to McDonalds anymore because an idiot goes there and people think it is stuffty, even though I like it? I should go to In-N-Out Burger which other people think is better but I don't like it?

I shouldn't go to McDonalds anymore because an idiot goes there and people think it is stuffty, even though I like it? I should go to In-N-Out Burger which other people think is better but I don't like it?
literally all the family rps are the same. find another as im sure there are plenty of them around

literally all the family rps are the same. find another as im sure there are plenty of them around
but what about the people who you RP with?

but what about the people who you RP with?
the most generic people ever? youll find exact clones of them in another family rp.
besides if none of the admins or the host themselves don't do anything about this sugar guy, all hope is lost. so youd be better off going to another family rp and choosing better friends.

the most generic people ever? youll find exact clones of them in another family rp.
besides if none of the admins or the host themselves don't do anything about this sugar guy, all hope is lost. so youd be better off going to another family rp and choosing better friends.
how about you stop loving telling him what servers are and are not good, and let him decide what he wants to play on his own.

I remember being on Sugar's server once. He/she revealed the admin password to everyne on the server and all hell broke loose.

Then this happens (sorry for page stretch):

Bro, get on your monitor size game.

Okay, first off, OP can go to whatever loving server he pleases. I personally don't think family RPs serve a purpose but just because I think that doesn't mean OP is at fault for being there. The server theme does not excuse the actions of Sugar so that point is invalid.

Second, I'll probably get some heat for this one, but why is the drama suddenly invalid? While the condition of Sugar explains her actions, OP was still affected and has every right to be mad and make a drama about it. Even is Sugar has autism, OP's game was still affected in a negative way, the drama is valid. To take a step further, the drama should also include the names of the server hosts who admin this personally. Obviously she is not able to perform properly as an admin and the server hosts are just as at fault.