Author Topic: DOF Screenshots  (Read 1020622 times)

Skybox & ship are mine
that looks like the enterprise

that looks like the enterprise
It's based on Star Trek ships, so yeah it's somewhat similar
It definitely is smaller though

It's like that one special from Top Gear lol
actually that's what I had in mind while making it, lol

And yes, it is staged.

wow ANT! very well done!

really want to try a new strategy I just thought of in that dogfight - theoretically if I can stop any planes from leaving the enemy base by shooting them down with the fighter plane, then my team will always win (unless they have capped a base and are spawning at it instead of taking off from their base, lol). Idk how well the fighter plane can shoot down other planes though - doubt it will work actually. Another problem is that I have to write a few more college app essays  >:l

And yes, it is staged.
guy at the bottom right stretching before going to Self Delete bomb enemies - lol


Also, it makes my screen's backlight "Pulsate" whenever this image is on the screen
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 08:00:32 AM by Dragonslayer182 »

~stuff hit quote instead of modify~

[IM height=700][/img]
cool :3

I wish I had more people on the server so I could have combat going on :(