Author Topic: tell me ur crush  (Read 4817 times)

you wana know whoe's beautifull? look at the first word
hey is not a person

sans from undertale (have

this cutie that lives LITERALLY next door

but I'm unsocial and it's unrequited anyway as always

actually it's been years so it's probably not really a crush at this point they're just attractive.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2019, 04:47:46 AM by Black and White »

Hendrick Lambstash is my crush

kurt cobain
i even got a poster of him
« Last Edit: March 16, 2019, 04:21:20 PM by Calem_the_gamer123 »

Oh well I have a poster of Ryan Renolds so I guess there's that.

might be better to wait until you have a group of friends doing something and invite her along to that so it doesn't seem as committal to her as the realization "oh I have to go on a date with someone"
these things tend to go better when there's less obligation
she may also already be seeing someone so don't get invested in her before you even know anything about her lol
I was able to talk to her today but didnt get too personal. i'll probably go back sunday and try again, I don't think she's seeing anyone

stuff I accidentally hit post

I was able to talk to her today but didnt get too personal. i'll probably go back sunday and try again, I don't think she's seeing anyone

Cool, just don't channel your excited "crush feelings" straight at her y'know

I was able to talk to her today but didnt get too personal. i'll probably go back sunday and try again, I don't think she's seeing anyone
Stick it in her pooper