Author Topic: Middle Earth (restarted)  (Read 12305 times)


From above, it looks surprisingly bare.  :panda:

...but it's still uber.  :cookieMonster:

I've been in the server with this build and it is Great!

Haha, thanks. Could use ideas though. Heres the PvMP map. The monster-player's 'safe zone' or 'spawn area' is the deep black. The greenest are is likewise for the players. It's so DMing doesn't interfere with the rpg as it does at the moment.

I'll fill forts mazes bridges terrain caves and bots etc on the plates, it's to give you a little inside view of what I've been doing for the past 5 minutes.

dude, howmany bricks are in that pic already?

5x5 of plates that are 4x4 of plates.

i haven't seen that yet.


5x5 of plates that are 4x4 of plates.

Huh? You confuse my mind...

yeah seriously could you be less cryptic?(no offense intended)

you did that by 5x5's?
how many bricks where that?

Sighs... ok since you must seriously want to know -_-

5x5 of 4x4 of 64x64s

That means it's 25x16 for the amount of plates. Figure it out.

400 64x64 plates O.O
thats big

very big

64 x 64 x 400 = 1,638,400 studs.......... i can't imagin how detailed the stuff will be.

More than this amount of detail :cookieMonster:

nice, your exagerating, you might go over the brick limit and end up geting the award for number 2 build that reached brick limit.

Every part* of middle earth is a 120,000 save.

*Parts consist of 5x5 of 4x4 of 64x64s. Example: The South Farthing of the Shire is a part.