
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 162727 times)

i figured because i hadn't played in a long while i wouldn't get one

logged on and got magnificent tf


I got ragdoll poppy on my main...
and super teemo on a smurf account...

got snoop dog 12:00 yachoo

mfw spirit guard udyr rofl

still waiting on my skin :(

hoping i get infernal nasus
or spirit guard udyr

but those are all EXPENSIVE AND RARe

if i can get champ. riven i hope i get champ riven because tahts the best skin

I want corporate mundo :(

So this is a question for anyone I guess, I need help translating a won lane into a won game, specifically as Tryndamere. I'll describe an average game for you.

Playing against a Nasus top, I zone him off of farm at the beginning while letting the wave push closer to my turret, and at level 2, I re position myself so that he gets baited into farming, and I all in him and get first blood. Something similar happens in roughly 50% of the games I play as Tryndamere. So I use my advantage in lane to bully the nasus, kill him again, and all the towers up until the inhib in under 20 minutes. At this point, I'm 5/1, killed the nasus twice and got a triple when the enemy mid and jungle roamed top, but I died  to the 2 ignites on me. This is where I hit a problem, which is as follows:

I get anywhere close to the inhib, I see mid, jg, top, and on rare occasions, the ADC or support coming top to kill me, so I'm effectively drawing the majority of the pressure off of my team, but THEY DO NOTHING WITH THE OPPORTUNITY, maybe one time out of ten, they'll respond to my pings on objectives and take something, but the other nine times, they'll go to their lane and farm long after laning phase ends.

In an ideal world, I would just split push and duel whomever comes, get the enemy inhib, and then group with my team to do baron/take towers/do whatever, but when I do exactly that, I end up getting collapsed on by 3 or 4 people and either killed or forced to back, so I can never get an inhib by splitting because there is ALWAYS someone there, especially when their jungler takes tp just to tp back with their top and stop me from pushing.

I guess my real question is, because team fighting isn't ideal for me (get cc'd/ignited and die after 5 seconds) and split pushing draws an immense amount of pressure, but nobody knows how to react to it, how the hell do I translate a won lane into a won game?

So this is a question for anyone I guess, I need help translating a won lane into a won game, specifically as Tryndamere. I'll describe an average game for you.

Playing against a Nasus top, I zone him off of farm at the beginning while letting the wave push closer to my turret, and at level 2, I re position myself so that he gets baited into farming, and I all in him and get first blood. Something similar happens in roughly 50% of the games I play as Tryndamere. So I use my advantage in lane to bully the nasus, kill him again, and all the towers up until the inhib in under 20 minutes. At this point, I'm 5/1, killed the nasus twice and got a triple when the enemy mid and jungle roamed top, but I died  to the 2 ignites on me. This is where I hit a problem, which is as follows:

I get anywhere close to the inhib, I see mid, jg, top, and on rare occasions, the ADC or support coming top to kill me, so I'm effectively drawing the majority of the pressure off of my team, but THEY DO NOTHING WITH THE OPPORTUNITY, maybe one time out of ten, they'll respond to my pings on objectives and take something, but the other nine times, they'll go to their lane and farm long after laning phase ends.

In an ideal world, I would just split push and duel whomever comes, get the enemy inhib, and then group with my team to do baron/take towers/do whatever, but when I do exactly that, I end up getting collapsed on by 3 or 4 people and either killed or forced to back, so I can never get an inhib by splitting because there is ALWAYS someone there, especially when their jungler takes tp just to tp back with their top and stop me from pushing.

I guess my real question is, because team fighting isn't ideal for me (get cc'd/ignited and die after 5 seconds) and split pushing draws an immense amount of pressure, but nobody knows how to react to it, how the hell do I translate a won lane into a won game?

Ah. 'Tis question is a good one. If you see your team grouping mid, say something of the lines: "Hey team, draw attention mid while I go split push top. If they try to recall, interrupt them."

Alternatively after you have killed nasus you can roam mid and try to get a kill. If you can get a kill proceed to go to dragon. If top is cheese then go help other lanes. If your team is mid again you can just solo dragon, right? You can consider swapping flash for teleport for some sweet ganks bot + dragon if you are comfortable that spinning slash is all you need.

Ah. 'Tis question is a good one. If you see your team grouping mid, say something of the lines: "Hey team, draw attention mid while I go split push top. If they try to recall, interrupt them."

Alternatively after you have killed nasus you can roam mid and try to get a kill. If you can get a kill proceed to go to dragon. If top is cheese then go help other lanes. If your team is mid again you can just solo dragon, right? You can consider swapping flash for teleport for some sweet ganks bot + dragon if you are comfortable that spinning slash is all you need.
In mid, literally there were no enemies there to stop a push, or at least, there was usually one enemy there and 4 of my teammates, but my teammates decided that the one enemy was too hard to displace and instead went to farm.

I guess part of the problem is that I tilt really hard if someone feeds, ESPECIALLY if they were higher pick than me and called top, play something stupid (like cleanse clairvoyance aatrox) and feed. The only bad game in my match history was a game that I was forced mid and got counter picked, and I have over a 2.0 kda with Tryndamere. I just feel like if I got top more often, I would have a much better time in ranked, and if people understood how putting pressure on the map works, then I would enjoy playing ranked a whole lot more.

I'm not one of those people that says "can't support," but I just feel so much better playing top and I get a lot of anxiety in other roles because I know I can't play them nearly as well as someone who mains them.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 04:03:16 PM by Cappytaino »

Ah. 'Tis question is a good one. If you see your team grouping mid, say something of the lines: "Hey team, draw attention mid while I go split push top. If they try to recall, interrupt them."

Alternatively after you have killed nasus you can roam mid and try to get a kill. If you can get a kill proceed to go to dragon. If top is cheese then go help other lanes. If your team is mid again you can just solo dragon, right? You can consider swapping flash for teleport for some sweet ganks bot + dragon if you are comfortable that spinning slash is all you need.
I agree with all of this except swapping flash for teleport. Flash's utility is so high that 99% of the time it's better than TP. This is not to say that you don't want to take both flash and tp. Replacing ignite/exhaust/barrier/heal is often quite effective.
Against your argument that spinning slash is enough, consider that I have never seen a Lee Sin not take flash. He is one of the most instantly mobile champions in the game, but he still benefits from flash so much that it's standard.
While spinning slash's cooldown is lower than it seems due to the reduction thingy, there is no guarantee that you will always be able to take full advantage of it.

Ghost teleport is respectable though if you're capable of using ghost at the right time.

In mid, literally there were no enemies there to stop a push, or at least, there was usually one enemy there and 4 of my teammates, but my teammates decided that the one enemy was too hard to displace and instead went to farm.

I guess part of the problem is that I tilt really hard if someone feeds, ESPECIALLY if they were higher pick than me and called top, play something stupid (like cleanse clairvoyance aatrox) and feed. The only bad game in my match history was a game that I was forced mid and got counter picked, and I have over a 2.0 kda with Tryndamere. I just feel like if I got top more often, I would have a much better time in ranked, and if people understood how putting pressure on the map works, then I would enjoy playing ranked a whole lot more.
It really pays off to have at least one champion that you can get to lategame consistently with for every role, and bonus if you have two (one AD, one AP)
I can relate to your pain though. Last game I got forced out of mid by a guy who didn't even call mid. He ended up going 3/7 (3/9? maybe, idk) and I went something like 8/8 as Veigar top.
This is a situation that would have been helped greatly if I had gotten teleport instead of ignite. Though I did fine in lane, I couldn't help my team as they were slowly crushed.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 04:06:07 PM by Katadeus »

I agree with all of this except swapping flash for teleport. Flash's utility is so high that 99% of the time it's better than TP. This is not to say that you don't want to take both flash and tp. Replacing ignite/exhaust/barrier/heal is often quite effective.
Against your argument that spinning slash is enough, consider that I have never seen a Lee Sin not take flash. He is one of the most instantly mobile champions in the game, but he still benefits from flash so much that it's standard.
While spinning slash's cooldown is lower than it seems due to the reduction thingy, there is no guarantee that you will always be able to take full advantage of it.

Ghost teleport is respectable though if you're capable of using ghost at the right time.
It really pays off to have at least one champion that you can get to lategame consistently with for every role, and bonus if you have two (one AD, one AP)
I can relate to your pain though. Last game I got forced out of mid by a guy who didn't even call mid. He ended up going 3/7 (3/9? maybe, idk) and I went something like 8/8 as Veigar top.
This is a situation that would have been helped greatly if I had gotten teleport instead of ignite. Though I did fine in lane, I couldn't help my team as they were slowly crushed.
The worst thing is when you say you want to play a champion and then someone above you picks that exact champion, doesn't know how to play it, and you just cringe all game seeing them absolutely misplay the champion that YOU wanted to play, in YOUR main role.

Edit: like clockwork, top gets taken from me, I go 17/3 as ADC but our Garen (running heal tp) fed their darius beyond belief and until i invested in a GA, he would just run through my team and kill me, and our mid fed a diana, so I had a bruiser and an assassin fed that would try to kill me EVERY FIGHT

I guess I'm just frustrated because it feels like most games, I go positive by a large margin, but it's still a coin flip as to whether my team will help me win the game, because it is a TEAM game.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 07:33:51 PM by Cappytaino »