


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 782323 times)

Lmao at all the butthurt genji mains

genji more like goneji amirite

I posted this on reddit, but the PTR makes some changes to reinhardts shield as well.
Live: https://i.gyazo.com/eb5e44fa58e9310faefb8016a843ebc0.mp4
PTR: https://i.gyazo.com/cc4b958a48525892aa6811666c939813.mp4

I don't like the bounce effect.

agreed; makes it seem less strong and more cartoony. that kind of animation is better suited for tracer or something.

i also noticed the bastion firing animation is really weird in that it visually expands the gun muzzle and everything like its made of rubber; imo it would be 10x better as just a slight recoil movement and pumpback of the barrel.

I guess we shouldn't tell you about the other animations then.

Anyways ranked in PTR, currently Platinum. Should get to Diamond tomorrow if I play.

i wish the shapeshifting robot could turn into things that weren't just a robot, turret, and tank
like his sit emote should have him shift into a chair

« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 12:27:12 PM by Nymph »

i wish the shapeshifting robot could turn into things that weren't just a robot, turret, and tank
like his sit emote should have him shift into a chair
that would be excellent

and anyone emoting nearby can sit on him like one of those tf2 duo taunts

ah yes that reinhardt skin i need it now i want to smack people with a mace

That video was amazing. I've been waiting for a Bastion short this whole time and I don't even play Overwatch.

ah yes that reinhardt skin i need it now i want to smack people with a mace

so cool

bastion literally had a war flashback holy stuff