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Topics - Darkstar TG

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Help / Need some information
« on: March 16, 2013, 07:11:04 PM »
At around December near the end of 2012 or at the end, I went to this Space RP server and it had very good of rules. one of them was that if you die you get banned for 10 minutes for added realism which I could agree with. but they were admins that had pretty impressive robotic/mechanical armor and here I am telling if you know what that armor was and please send me the link to download it and I would appreciate it, If you don't know that's ok I thank you for helping.

Description of armor
it had a shoulder piece in one arm and nothing on the other
in the back part of the armor was a backpack that had an antenna on top of the pack
and it had a helmet with a small visor that is like the shape of a circle which is similar to the Gungnir helmet from halo reach
and the chest piece is something I can't remember...

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