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Topics - Crash3143

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Infiminer's Jail Escape!
« on: June 18, 2013, 11:19:18 PM »
Welcome back to hell! Here we are, destination Infiminer Jail. You have one chance to escape, otherwise, consider yourself dead. With more to love than already, get ready to be rivaled by the blood thirsty guards who will stop at nothing to make sure you don't escape! Its all or nothing in the return of Infiminer's Jail Escape. An arsenal of weapons for both guards and prisoners are at their disposal, team up with prisoners and plan your escape. Guards shall use special operatives to stop them from escaping!

Us here at Infiminer's Jail Escape promise to keep your experience as nice as possible for we are always watching for freekillers, trollers, spammers, ETC. We promise to give you troll-free experience. No matter what, one of us will be watching, though if were not on at the time and you experience a player who ruins your experience, tell us in the forums and we will handle it ASAP!

STAFF ROLE: Authority Enforcers

1. Infiminer (Host)
2. Whirlwind (Admin)
3. Revo (Admin)
4. Archeus (Admin)
5. Samuraiz3143 (Me, Moderator)

So come join and have fun! Also, we are currently not hiring admins or moderators at this time, so don't bother asking in the forums or on the server, you will be kicked or banned on the server if you ask.

1. No Racism
2. Trolling
3. Freekilling (Seriously, We know its gonna happen, and trust me, we are strict on this rule)
4. No Spamming
5. No killing prisoners, even afk's unless they are holding up the game
6. We have zero tolerance on asking for admin and moderator, so don't try
7. If you think a prisoner has an item, ask to clear, even if you see them pick up a key, ask to drop it or clear.

OFFENSES: These are the punishments for not abiding to any of our rules
First Offense: Kick
Second Offense: 5 Hour Ban
Third Offense: 1 Day Ban
Fourth Offense: 5 Day Ban
Fifth Offense: Perma-Ban.

We will be keeping track of offenses, so you have 5 chances, don't blow them!
If you feel you were banned for unfair reasons, please go to our ban appeal forum to appeal for a ban. ONLY DO THIS if you felt as if our actions were a bit much.
Lastly, we hope you enjoy the server and have a good time!

Also, Regarding things with Tezuni, we are in no means competing with Tezuni, I myself find Tezuni' server fun, but like I said, We are not in any way trying to compete.

Drama / Apologies by Crash3143
« on: August 02, 2012, 09:00:56 PM »
Hey, its me again, this one is not really drama, just apologies for the user kqgqn for the drama he posted about me, just here to apologize about the whole thing, and also my HORRIBLE drama post on TheEpicMan1234 which I also apologized to as well, I just wanted you guys to know that I am usually am nice and not just being a jerk. Just don't know what's gotten into me lately. But i hope you both take my apology if you are reading, again, i know this really isn't related to drama that much, just wanted to say sorry.

Drama / Steve The Third - The Rougue Killer
« on: July 31, 2012, 04:33:12 PM »
Chilling on my friend's (Moon Cat's) server, it was a jail rp, now we have our freekiller but this guy went WAAAYyYYYYYY to far, he made found a way to leave the jail and make spam builds, and he forgeted up the entire server, so much that a dude named Dark Species changed the map. Had a run in with this guy, Discuss it below but this jerk is rude, and is a major freekiller. Not only that, but he kept saying shut up to the point of spam! Not even flood protection stopped him. Maybe he could be a cool guy without the jail RP's but if u see him in any jail RP, u better watch out. :cookieMonster: :cookie:

General Discussion / Best Servers You Have Ever Played?
« on: July 31, 2012, 02:53:36 PM »
Just posted this forum for you to share what you think are the best servers on blockland Youve ever played, can be as many as you want. For me its:
5. Lugnuts and Kniaz's Zombies in The Bluzone

4. Glass's Falling Platforms

3. Cat123's Grapple Knife TDm

2. Pecon's Boss Battles

1. Tezuni's Jail RP (Before it vanished, btw, does anybody know what happened to Tezuni?)

So post your list if you want
Btw :nes:....NES rules......

General Discussion / Team Fortress 2Fort Quake Style
« on: July 31, 2012, 02:07:46 PM »
So i did a post a few days ago on my place but i wanted to make a new one, so i just wanted to keep it updated, But so far, the 2Fort is in BETA. The bases are done and like Team Fortress goes, its Red vs. Blu. I update the bases daily to try and expand on it more.

All the Classes are done, with the Engineer and his sentry which you can upgrade and heal.

The game style is Capture point Defensive where Red must protect Blu from capturing their points.

As i said, i have a picture of the blue base, its pretty simple but i really cant wait for it to be done :D.

So thats all i hope you enjoy the server, it will be up and running sometime today so be on the lookout for it!

Drama / TheEpicMan1234 dude, lay off me.
« on: July 31, 2012, 01:55:49 PM »
So i was just chilling on the General Discussion when all of a sudden, TheEpicMan1234 started hurling insults at me for i was advertising my game on the IRC, nothing more. He called me all sorts of names and got everybody to gang up on me, he was just being a pure richard to me and my friends on the General Discussion, so TheEpicMan1234, (unless he changed it), lay off me bro, i didnt do nothing to you so mind your damn business. :cookieMonster: If u had a run in with this guy, just discuss it if u want

General Discussion / Team Fortress 2Fort Quake Style *WIP*
« on: July 29, 2012, 06:49:58 PM »
I thought since most people on Blockland loves TF2, i decided to make a map of 2Fort (The original Quake one) with all the original classes including engineer, i will post pics soon but it could use the support of the Blockland community, just wanted to inform you guys. Still is in the alpha stage right now but it should be done in a short time i hope.

Drama / Getting perma banned from Lugnuts Zombies in the Bluzone
« on: July 29, 2012, 06:38:26 PM »
So i got banned from the very popular server Lugnuts Zombies in the Bluzone forever because i failed at the name change thing(it was nothing inappropriate just a mistake was setting my name) Anyways, i got banned for the reason, Nameset fail. I really thought the server was cool and i want a second chance because i thought a perma ban for 1 mistake on the first time was a little to much, i talked to IkeTheGeneric who just kept telling me no and post a forum so here i am, i would love to get unbanned from the server cause it looks fun.  :nes: Anyways, imma go play some Metroid but plz Lugnut or Kniaz, if your reading this, i would really love one more chance at the server

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