Author Topic: YOU CRINGE YOU LOSE  (Read 2540418 times)

If any of u remember this comment, you'll know that I added this really fukin cringey dude on steam.

I'm willing to make a sacrifice again and add him again.

Y'all can tell me what to ask him cus after that very long conversation about him wanting to take over the world with his pony-human hybrid, he'll prolly tell me anything.

this guy

ask him what makes horse rooster better than human

I'll be away from my computer until thursday night, so expect all of ur answers then. That is, of course, if he accepts my friend request

ask him what makes horse rooster better than human
Well for starters it's longer and thicker...

I have sinned.

what the forget
< Weirdmageddon + MLP
Well, forget, I really liked that Mr. Cipher.

ask him what makes horse rooster better than human
it would be easier to list what doesn't

[img ]!!-:strip_icc-!!-:fill-!white!-/2016/07/27/955/n/1922507/6f26cb7d_edit_img_facebook_post_image_file_16472413_1469654480_fb.jpg[/img]


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blockland 2 leak

[im g][/img]

what the forget
also as an late extra have an story regarding this guy

also as an late extra have an story regarding this guy

This guy is a living dril tweet