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Topics - ChappersTeddy

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Drama / David.W's server and RavenStar, the admin
« on: November 28, 2012, 11:57:50 AM »
I join David's server and literally 3 seconds after I had spawned and picked my weapons this happens.

This looks OK, everyone is supposed to kill in a TDM. But Raven flips out.

Oh my! Aaah! You're so strong, kicking someone for killing you!

Also, not to mention the crap building he did. Unfortunately, didn't think of that before I left the server.

Help / Blockland corrupt files
« on: November 12, 2012, 02:47:46 AM »
This year I've been having some problems with Blockland. Mainly corrupt files. Yesterday I launched BL and it said a file was corrupt. This morning the CheckDisk utility launched when we turned the computer on.
Is there any way to fix this completely? ChkDsk can delete wanted files and I don't want one of my favourite games causing the problem.

Off Topic / Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes night
« on: November 05, 2012, 02:08:58 PM »
As you probably don't know, it is officially the 5th of November!
''Always remember the fifth of November...''
About Guy
Failed fame
It's all kicking off down here in London!
Happy Bonfire Night!

Off Topic / are you trick or treating or not?
« on: October 31, 2012, 03:29:47 PM »
are you trick or treating or handing out treats?
i handed them out because reasons
I went as a bee.
The bee costume was my dressing gown.
People were lured in because we had a pumpkin. About 10 groups came up and they were all actually younger then me.
It's surprising because I have stairs that you need to go up to get to our front door.

Gallery / Small little pod racer/spaceship thingy (test)
« on: October 31, 2012, 08:36:36 AM »
This was a test to see if I 1.) don't overuse bricks and get a high brickcount (get it under 50) and 2.) can make small brick vehicles better then the last two.
Number 1 worked, but I want your opinion for number 2.

Total brick count: 38

Suggestions & Requests / Third person aiming/crosshairs
« on: October 29, 2012, 12:03:54 PM »
Your crosshair is shown in third person, pretty much.
This has been requested a lot, I know, but people need this badly. I know this has been done before but you needed Winzip or something to add it to your game.
I'm sure it's not hard.

Off Topic / Chris Powling (author) visited my school today
« on: October 24, 2012, 10:39:43 AM »
We had an author visit at school today. I wasn't looking forward to it until it happened.
He told us a really cool story, with a story about the story. The story about the story was how he visited one primary school and told them the story he told us. When finished with it, the headteacher wanted a talk with him. He/she said it's a secondary school story and it scared them, but really it only scared her/him because a kid came in saying ''That story was cool!''
mind hurts? headteacher of one school does not like story. but really that headteacher was scared and the kids were okay
So he told us the story. It's about - you know what, not this. Anyway, he asked the question ''Do you think this should be in a book?'' It was in a book already, but the book was edited to make it less ''scary''. Everyone put their hand up except me and three others. I kept my hand down. I was actually called up to face EVERYONE. Years 5 and 6. My reason was ''I like telling stories rather then putting them in a book''. I actually shook hands with the guy twice. TWICE. Everyone also clapped twice
mind hurts again? i shook hands twice with an author of 93 widely read books

Off Topic / My dad got a new phone (Windows Phone)
« on: October 17, 2012, 01:19:42 PM »
So my dad's been looking for a phone to replace his old Vodafone which is constantly getting messaged by nobody. When he came home from work today, he was carrying an O2 (company) bag, and I heard him or my mum shout ''He's got a new phone!''
So yeah, the reason I'm happy is because the Windows phones have some really nice features, and now my mum is left with a really old Nokia

Off Topic / A spoilt generation - school trip to the Science Museum
« on: October 11, 2012, 10:40:47 AM »
A day of school not in school - a school/field trip. The destination today - the Science Museum (located in South Kensington, London).
Let's skip to leaving the museum. So before we were about to get out of that place after lunch, we went into a limited time exhibition about life in the 20th century. From toiletries to hairdryer holders with a lady's head + moving eyes, there was one thing there that made me the most surprised. An arcade machine, put simply, with one of the (or the first ever) earliest arcade video games  ever made on it - Pong.
As the title states, 21st century kids are actually pretty damn lucky. I played it with someone else in my class, and I actually liked it.
Fun and games.

View this on my blog

Off Topic / Record your voice v2
« on: October 09, 2012, 02:29:55 PM »
I tell a short story about how bad I am at voice acting
Record your voice then post it here.
CBB to get the old topic bumped.

Off Topic / My forum avatar won't work?
« on: October 06, 2012, 02:23:22 PM »
I'm trying to upload my forum avatar and it keeps saying it takes too much space.

Can someone fix the space it's apparently taking up?

Off Topic / My mum nearly lost her keys
« on: October 06, 2012, 06:03:27 AM »
So this morning when we went to Sainsburys, after finishing shopping my mother couldn't find her keys. So she had to go look for them in the car, then go into the whole supermarket to try and find them. About 2 minutes when she went in, my dad found them down the side of her seat.
If she lost them, then she'd have to 1. pay for all the attached stuff and 2. rage.

Off Topic / Dragonadopters - Revival
« on: October 04, 2012, 11:06:00 AM »
This was posted when I was 8, and I signed up with my first dragon, Teddy.

I got ''Fleeky'' today:

C'mon, get back on this game!

General Discussion / kenkoman's random is beautiful
« on: September 29, 2012, 11:31:56 AM »

yes - randomly beautiful

Off Topic / Your personal transport
« on: September 27, 2012, 10:58:28 AM »
Have you ever had a hobby of riding a scooter, bike, skateboard etc.?
Post yours here.

Model: JDBug Classic 4

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