Author Topic: Gramfel  (Read 2279 times)

I know it's supposed to be funny but holy stuff is it attempting to be depressing.

Well ain't this surreal.

Well ain't this surreal.

i read that as cereal and now im hungry

jesus forget now i have to do this
make it the infected playertype in the infection gamemode
And the infected's weapon

I ate those food. But that doesn't matter now because in the end we are just a speck on the cosmic scale and all our problems are meaningless and our lives, insignificant.

The art reminds me of Osomatsu-san.

I ate those food. But that doesn't matter now because in the end we are just a speck on the cosmic scale and all our problems are meaningless and our lives, insignificant.
Eating food is merely a way to extend our worthless little lives further - the enjoyment one feels from eating is merely a small moment that amounts to nothing on the cosmic scale of the universe - and everything we do whilst energized from such food is trivial at best.