Author Topic: Truenos Colorset  (Read 26355 times)

no pix no clix for every colorset ive seen theres a pic but theres not i just dont get it

Check The First Post.

Lack of softs is unsoft :(

I might work on updating it this week. While building my house i really saw the flaws in it.

But i have a life so we'll see what happens....

no dix no chix.

WoW... LOL.
Good colorset.
But we really don't need anymore of them...

This may be a stupid question, or maybe not.
A friend told me that the modded colour sets still have the standard coulours included, is that true about this one. Because i don't want my builds to look ugly just because offa new colour set.

Whay can I get color sets? I put them in the right file and crap, but It just disconects me from my servers at Loading Objects"

This may be a stupid question, or maybe not.
A friend told me that the modded colour sets still have the standard coulours included, is that true about this one. Because i don't want my builds to look ugly just because offa new colour set.
Never mind. I took my rsk findin out on my own. Turned out well YAY!
Nice se by the way

Nice!! Even better, it's got the standards in aswell ^^ :cookie: x100  :cookieMonster:

Here is picture, too lazy to label.

(From left to right)
1. Standard
2. Dark Standard
3. Trans Standard
4. Special 1
5. Special 2
6. Greyscale
7. Browns
I like your avatar btw

its coooooooooel i give you 90000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000x :cookie: s
lol :cookieMonster: do you think this is cool or maby cute lol :panda: i do lol

Oh my god the text colour you have makes my eyes hurt! :P

if you wanna load that color set --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ColorSet.txt (1.13 KB - downloaded 324 times.) press that text on picture :3  :D :D:D:D:D:Dsssssssssssssss

i do not need colorsets i have my own.