Author Topic: Good games for a stuffty PC?  (Read 4957 times)

I have a stuff PC with an intel HD graphics card and I need some games to hold me over until I can actually get a decent PC. Think 2D or low polycount.


Enter the Gungeon

EDGE is not that boring if you like a bit of puzzle with not much other things

if you have friends, Human: Fall Flat

Sub Rosa

Prison Architect

all the hotline miami games too

i would say furi since it's got the style of a low-polyish game buuttt i would look at the minimum requirements for that

if you're that worried they would have minimum requirements in the bottom of steam games for you to play

Stardew Valley is pretty good

Sub Rosa
literally the worst game I've ever played and the only thing I've refunded on Steam

The S.T.A.L.K.E.R Games

Simcity 4 Deluxe

Fistful of Frags



Simcity 4 deluxe
the sims 2

literally the worst game I've ever played and the only thing I've refunded on Steam

nothing is bad about it in my opinion if you have ignored the fact that the community is on a weird divide between the portugese and english people, and not to mention there are a few well-known cunts and RDMers on the game. it's got a lot of room for potential however if only the developer thinks outside of the box rather than just make the game look nicer with some better mapping and modelling, like how to easily host your own server, how to advertise, how to do this and that.

i really wish the developer isn't a hard-head and being so busy acting political rather than focus on his damn game though. sure, don't get the game if you don't appreciate what i've described about the game, but if you're more optimistic than i am, at least give it a try and then refund it if you can't handle it.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2018, 12:13:55 PM by Køtt »

tf2 works on most toasters if you crank the settings down a bit

the half life games can probably run on a atm  machine

tf2 works on most toasters if you crank the settings down a bit
That's not really needed for an Intel HD GPU honestly.

Salt & Sanctuary
Valdis Story: Abyssal City

at least give it a try and then refund it if you can't handle it.
i meeeean, that's what he did.

binding of isaac rebirth is pretty good

nothing is bad about it in my opinion if you have ignored the fact that the community is on a weird divide between the portugese and english people
Within minutes of starting the game, I was immediately griefed by Portuguese people and then shoved inside a wall by someone's car. But the community isn't my biggest complaint, it's the mechanics. The controls are batstuff crazy and a lot of the esoteric physics stuff just feels annoying and useless. I tried to look at the sky and my character fell over, and it took me begging the bystanders for instructions to actually get back upright. There is little to no in-game documentation of how anything works.

Also, what's up with the complete lack of a mouse sensitivity slider? I'm not going to change my global mouse sensitivity in control panel for one extremely sub-par game. The developer has put in features for the most esoteric, handicapped stuff, but a slider that adjusts mouse sensitivity somehow got swept under the rug. It wouldn't even be that bad if the default in-game mouse sensitivity wasn't 5x slower than what's needed to properly play.

That political thing is worth a rehash for anyone who isn't aware of it. The developer literally delayed the development of his early-access game because Hillary lost the election. Everyone who has read even a couple of my posts knows that I voted for her, but that's still just extremely petty and stupid. The implicit contract in releasing an early-access game is that you're going to use the initial revenue to further the development of your game towards completion, but this guy violated that agreement and spurned his own supporters because he was mad that Annoying Orange won. That's childish as forget.