
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 428820 times)


I suppose you're really low normal elo or not 30 yet as you think eve and nasus are op :d, prepare to get stomped once people can actually play

fuk- didint notice this was dominion :),people still play it woah. Only arabs for me

Btw you should always play Veigar as AD

holy stuff i discovered that playing evelynn on aram is a mind game
you just have to ks a lot in the first few minutes
as soon as they start focusing you you'll die first and teammates keep getting kills but they keep focusing you
victory - your team annihilates them while they chase you through the whole team, getting cc'd on the way and yelling at each other in all chat!

Btw you should always play Veigar as AD
And Draven as AP

Volibear is actually decent at carrying teams btw. I thought the best champ for carrying teams would be a high damage one but Volibear just devastates people even without damage items. Warmogs, Mercs, Wit's End and Randuin's and suddenly you're this giant boulder hurdling towards the enemy team and they can't do a thing about it.

Also, Volibear can easily beat Darius in lane. Love this bear so much <3

Kochieboy MentosandCola NA

Also, Volibear can easily beat Darius in lane. Love this bear so much <3
people made darius seem super amazing. he's not very good in lane at all. no sustain, no good initial cc for a gank.. the only great thing about him for laning is that he can take turrets pretty easily and the true damage at 6 can get semi annoying.

but yeah, i can beat darius with riven.. shen.. yorick.. hell, you could probably even beat darius with trundle top.

Yeah I've got to admit i've never lost to Darius. Don't see what all the fuss was.

In my opinion, Darius is a better in the jungle than top. I win a good percentage of the games I jungle Darius. He's slower than others, but his e + ult provides for good ganks. Once he gets to higher levels he can counter jungle very well, pulling blue through the wall, etc, and he becomes even better once lane phase ends.

Feels good to win as a beginner.

Apparently I'm really good with Garen. I just need to know how to use his courage better. :\

Garen's a good champ to start out with and he branches well into the solo top role - you're playing a decently tanky champion who can still deal damage. As a suggestion for next time, while Guardian's Angel may seem like the best item in the game, and in some cases it is, if you look at how hard you're crushing the enemy team, and you look at their type of damage (hint: Ryze, their only legitimate source of magic damage, disconnected), you could make better item choices: for suggestions on items for tanky champions, i'd say sunfire cape was a good choice. You could have then built the item "Atma's Impaler," which gives you a %age of your health as damage rather than building a Last Whisper, so instead of getting more damage (your Teemo was doing enough damage to the enemy team for you to basically become a full tank, and I'll tell you right now: Garen's only good moves in lategame are his Q and his W. His R has too big of a cooldown to be really considered much, but it is nice.

Sorry about big wall of text.
Also, don't buy runes before you hit level 20. It's a waste of your IP as once you hit 20 you'll have more powerful runes.