Author Topic: Server crashing hacks?  (Read 6162 times)

is there such a thing, because i think "Ucihatachi" or whatever that name is, did it to me when i took away his building rights for acting like an idiot... i lost a lot of work on what i was making too.

He probably did something to the server like sending a number of packets the server couldn't handle.

possibly, if you see him in your server ban him. because this guy tried to get in my clan and was a bad boilder so i diddn't let him in, i think he has it out for me now. well im banning him next time i see him.

Check your logs and find the connect request from his IP. Then go ban the IP... err IP and subnet.

meh, i'll jet ban him the second i see him. he joins my servers a lot.

There used to be a server crash hack in RtB, but I think RtB got rid of it.

Man, that sucks FC. I would reccomend getting out little patch:

It doesn't have anything that would protect against a weird crash like that one you had (unless it was brick spam).

it just crashed for no reason as soon as i took away his building rights.

yes this guy came into my server today, i been seeing him every so often these last 2 weeks in games i host. no problems really. he sure wants to be admin alot, but as usuall i never give admins anyway.

but today i told him about this thread i seen, and he goes off with some story with facechield hate and such and yeah he did crash a few peoples games, but only because they had some stupid look but no build rule.

then goes on to say yeah he could crash any server he wanted anytime. and then i ban him.

i dont see why people want to spam and cause trouble. i am new to this game (about 3 weeks) but i thaught people came to build things? and the ones that dont attempt to just hang around and start problems. why dont they go play another game -.-

what i dont understand is why peole want to join a game with a huge build in it obviosly a large project and just start building in it. if it says "freebuild" in it than go ahead, if not, ask if you can build and if the admin says "no, this is a large project and i dont want it laggyer than it is  allready" they shoudn't be whiny bitches.
thats what i said to him, so he just decided to build in some random area.
anyways as i said ban uchichitachi if you see him, hes trouble for your server.

He is, he got me banned from a server for no reason cause he told the admin i would hack the server then later he banned me from another server before i even spawned.

nice.. i guess its final about him, ban on sight... or better yet...
$Ban::ip4 = "";
$Ban::ipsubnet4 = "66.112.117";
$Ban::name4 = "(IM)UchihaItachi";

just put then in the ipban list .cs and delete the .dso
also change the "4" to whatever number this ban is on the list. and put each of these on it's respective line.

Hmmm... i remeber Uchiatachi in a "mining server" painting my stuff and acting very stupid, when i questioned him to stop he just kept annoying, he also would not listen to my request to stay out of my tunnel i was building

Is there anyway to keep the ban list from resetting?  It keeps clearing the ban list everytime i restart the server again.

He was on your server not long ago.....