Author Topic: What Language are you taking in school?  (Read 3561 times)

What language are you taking or did you take in school?

7-8 grade I took Chinese but this year I could have taken French, so I did.
Wish we had German though

i took spanish 2 years ago and i have to take a full spanish course for my sophomore year
why do they only offer spanish

I was forced to take Spanish, but I would love to learn German Or Italian.

Took spanish, Hated it. Rather be in French

I took French from Year 7 to 9, although didn't get a choice in it. (Our year was split into two populations, and mine took French while the other took Spanish).
I took a GCSE in French in Year 9, two years early, although I didn't want to. The whole class was enrolled into it.
I got a grade E.

Afterwards, in year 10 to 11, I didn't have to take French anymore.

Until I moved to a new school, where taking a language GCSE was compulsory, even though I already had one.
So I had to do 2 more years of French.
I had the choice of Spanish or German, but I was terrible at languages anyway, and I was hardly going to do well when I didn't already have the 3 years of foundation knowledge that everyone else had.

So, I finally ended up with a GCSE Grade C in French.

It has now been 4 years since I practiced any French, and can remember basically nothing.

Spanish is a disgusting language. It turned me off taking a class for any other foreign language.
I wish I would have took different class now though.


Tu eres muy feo.

i've taken spanish and i like it

idk wat u guys r mad about ur probly wrong right lol!!

Took Spanish for the first two and a half weeks in 7th grade, then switched to German (currently taking German).

I took Spanish in 7th and 8th grade as part of a district-mandated "elective" course.

I'm planning on taking German next year.

My 2nd year of German atm.

I'm in second year German class.