Author Topic: [Script] Admin Camera Missiles  (Read 6031 times)

Admin Camera Missiles
Version 1

While in admin camera you can shoot missiles to blow up armless civilians
Clicking while in admin orb will fire two missiles

PrefDefault    Description
$Pref::SwolCamMissile_Level2Admin Level Required
$Pref::SwolCamMissile_ProjectilerocketLauncherProjectileProjectile Type
$Pref::SwolCamMissile_Speed75Projectile speed
$Pref::SwolCamMissile_FireRate1200Delay between fires in MS
$Pref::SwolCamMissile_DamageOutOfMin i     0Allows missiles/projectiles to damage out of minigame
$Pref::SwolCamMissile_MissileScale1Size of projectiles
$Pref::SwolCamMissile_MissileArray"0 1 -0.4" TAB "0 -1 -0.4"   Specifies the offset and amount of missiles to fire
$Pref::SwolCamMissile_Trigger0The trigger num to activate
Only change prefs if you know what you are doing

1.63 kb
« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 05:24:58 PM by Swollow »

what happens if you set the firerate to "1"

edit: download says error 404
edit: okay it works

what happens if you set the firerate to "1"
you can fire missiles really really fast and it would probably lag the stuff out of the server if someone spammed it

edit: download says error 404

Best thing since sliced bread.

Doesn't click make you go faster while you're in orb? What if I want to go fast but don't want to fire missiles?

Admin abuse as easy as a click of the mouse

Admin abuse as easy as a click of the mouse
the addon was made for admin abuse

Doesn't click make you go faster while you're in orb? What if I want to go fast but don't want to fire missiles?
you can rebind it to right click or something with $Pref::SwolCamMissile_Trigger    = 4;

reminds me of that black and white drone camera footage

Doesn't click make you go faster while you're in orb? What if I want to go fast but don't want to fire missiles?
I think your jump key should have the same effect sans missiles

Thank you for this so much.

Does this affect ppl outside of minigames?

This thing got cranked out real quick....Stop dominating the Add-Ons Thread.

OT; Abusable, but beneficial. Can be useful for catching people with the "No Observer Message" Add-On and then firing a missile to justify the bad behavior.


Does this affect ppl outside of minigames?
if you do $Pref::SwolCamMissile_DamageOutOfMin i = 1;

Could you make it use right click to fire a missile? I kind of hold down left click to go faster when orbing.