Author Topic: [Hatmod] Cuphead & Mugman  (Read 6375 times)

click on the cuphead game cover below to download

did their heads get stretched or something

did their heads get stretched or something
their heads have to fit around the blockheads head

whats 🅱ugman been injecting up his ass he looks like the trip was too good

Im trying to click on the cover but pressing the left mouse button is way too hard for me.

their heads have to fit around the blockheads head

why cant you do the same stuff you did with thehoff

that requires a separate script and I'm not gonna make people download two add-ons

(finger guns not included)

(finger guns not included)

There actually WAS a finger gun addon way back when RTB existed, but I cant find it now.

There actually WAS a finger gun addon way back when RTB existed, but I cant find it now.
I believe handgun or handgun_B is what you're looking for

that requires a separate script and I'm not gonna make people download two add-ons
Wouldn't need a separate add-on.

hide head node
show head node

Wouldn't need a separate add-on.

hide head node
show head node
hatmod doesnt execute any scripts so you can't make any functions

hatmod doesnt execute any scripts so you can't make any functions
Mounting an image will always call ::onMount. This is an engine feature.

Honestly, cupmouth isn't even a good game. The difficulty is too high and it doesn't have easy mode. THe tutorial is much too difficult and I see this as a fatal flaw with the game. In conclusion: I give cupfoot a 2.4/10. forget you.