Author Topic: [CRINGE] Diary of wimpy kid squeezed out the last drop with this new movie  (Read 3781 times)

I wish you luck in finishing this trailer

are they still making those books what the forget

why tho, also what the forget happened to old cast.

this sounds like a movie for like kids around the age as the characters

Rodrick looks like Kylo Ren

Rowley looks like a lesbian

Greg looks like he hs depression

Wait wtf they still make these and books?

Wait wtf they still make these and books?
yes, the newest book was released back in November: and imo the books stopped being good after the second one.

seems like the old cast hit puberty

oh no what happened with any of them

imo the books stopped being good after the second one.
they were never good

this could've been an interesting movie if it wasn't just a corporate shell out