Author Topic: I want to learn how to code AI  (Read 353 times)

I have always wanted to create an operating system controlled by a super selfe aware AI since I was like 5. I know that such a project is impossible for me to do unless I were to devote my life to it. But I have still always been fascinated by AI. Im not all that educated on all the different types of AI and stuff so it wil be a little difficult for me to convey what I want.
I want to learn how to code a kind of AI that would act as... how would I say this, "digital friend"(inb4 op has no friends IRL)  kinda like a smart chatter bot. I know this prolly wont happen but that is the kind of AI I want to know how to code.

I would like to know where I could learn how to do this (websites, college classes)
what would be the best scripting language to use, and where to learn to use it.

stuff ton of if statements and fuzzy logic

are you that lonely? :(

are you that lonely? :(
lol saw that comming. No im actually about to meet up with a bunch of my freinds to go hang out.
stuff ton of if statements and fuzzy logic

ive been getting this a lot lately.

There's no real /right/ way to program AI. There's probably a lot of college-level theory and research done on it that has probably learned some useful stuff, but there's really no barriers to you just figuring it out yourself.

I'd start by trying to make a chatterbot. Program something in BASIC or C++ that takes input from the person, tries to figure it what it's saying, and then outputs a response. The syntax for that shouldn't be that hard, and after about 4 hours of work you should probably have something that can take a sentence from you and decode the grammar and separate the words in it.