Author Topic: Post your browser history  (Read 1356 times)

Is this bad?

So much! Ok sum it up Blockland forums and place where to watch tron free online because I love that movie and lots a youtube.

I just realized my browser failed at tracking history.

Just censor any researchographic URL's please...I have a feeling there's gonna be a lot of 'em.
But then I would have to censor all of them. D:

 Nothing to hide.

My browser doesn't record history because I disabled it.

My browser doesn't record history because I disabled it.

Mine too, but I can tell you right now I have tabs open for Wikipedia, Dictionary, YouTube, DeviantART, Blockland Forums, Gamer Planet, The Vault Fallout Wiki, Elder Scrolls Pages Wiki, Minecraft, Minepedia, Fur Affinity, Consumer Reports, Metal Gear Wiki, XFire, Steam, MSN, Borderlands Wiki, Xbox LIVE, Return to Blockland, Yahoo, Bing, and Google. Does that count as "too many tabs"?