Author Topic: What do you want for Christmas?  (Read 2258 times)

Just money is fine by me. But I also think it'd be fun to get like a parrot that talks or something.

Disclaimer: I know I couldn't find a good image with a parrot in a Christmas theme, I am so sorry :[

i give my friends the vague answer of "either hats or something vocaloid related"

watch them buy you dakimakuras

watch them buy you dakimakuras
Good ones get pricy, I wouldn't mind. Besides, we got my gay friend a guts daki 2 years ago.

friends who share my interests and are easy to talk to and are able to deal with my brainworms... erm

a laptop
Are you picky what kind? Used or for repair on ebay can give you some good deals if youre willing to search alot and/or repair yourself.