Author Topic: Tower of Power - RNG PvE Text Adventure [Complications involving updates]  (Read 2654 times)

Tower of Power
Every player starts off with a d6 for attack and defense and a d2 for healing. Each new player starts off with 5 maximum HP. Before each floor, each player rolls their Attack dice. All the values multiplied (smallest to largest) is the boss's health. To attack, each player rolls a dice again OR they can skip an attack with a their Defense dice. The value it lands on is how much damage they deal or nullify. The boss will have a chance to roll a Defense dice to nullify the total damage, or a heal dice to regain lost damage. As a floor is completed, each player gets one Upgrade Point, and the boss drops loot. The first one to claim the loot gets it. Upgrade Points (UP) can be spent on various things, such as health increases or special perks or items (Max 3). There will be a shop available after each killed boss.

Max ATK Dice Value +1: 2 UP
Max DEF Dice Value +1: 2 UP
Max Heal Dice Value +1: 4 UP
Max ATK Dice Bonus (dX+Y) +1: 3 UP
Max DEF Dice Bonus +1: 3 UP
Max HP +1: 5 UP

How to Join
Just simply say you're gonna hop in before the next boss is engaged.

None yet! Will be updated whenever convenient.

If I need to revise the rules at all let me know.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2016, 04:04:07 PM by Space1255 »

First boss announcement? First boss announcement.


d6 ATK
d8 DEF
Skill: Vice Grip

Deals 1.5x damage to players with higher DEF than itself.

I'm gonna wait to see if more people are interested in joining before the first battle starts.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 06:45:32 AM by Space1255 »

me up
You... I like you.
Also battle will begin once I have Internet access on my iPad because I can't do a lot on my phone.

1*2*3*5*6 = 180 HP


180/180 HP
d6 ATK
d8 DEF
Skill: Vice Grip

Deals 1.5x damage to players with higher DEF than itself.

 Space1255: d6 ATK, d6 DEF, d2 HEAL. 10/10 HP.

 tber123: d6 ATK, d6 DEF, d2 HEAL. 10/10 HP.

 Conan: d6 ATK, d6 DEF, d2 HEAL. 10/10 HP.

 Glass Joe: d6 ATK, d6 DEF, d2 HEAL. 10/10 HP.

 DataProxy: d6 ATK, d6 DEF, d2 HEAL. 10/10 HP.

Perform actions! Also depending on how this battle goes I might make it so players can Attack and have no DEF roll, guard and have no ATK roll, or heal with no ATK or DEF roll.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 01:33:01 PM by Space1255 »

Combat update: you can have a choice to attack, guard, or heal. Updating OP with new rule. Also added player status
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 01:33:15 PM by Space1255 »

Flip the crab over to reveal it's weakpoint, then strike it for massive damage.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 09:56:36 PM by Glass Joe »

Flip the crab over to reveal it's weakpoint, then strike it for maximum damage.
You'll need to roll a six for this to work. Failure results in two damage and paralysis, meaning you can't attack. Continue with the attack anyways?