Author Topic: Swimmers Ear  (Read 1746 times)

is annoying as stuff. never had this problem when i was younger that i can remember. A few years ago while dunking underwater in a hot tub I'm pretty sure a chunk of chlorine tablet got into my ear or something, because ever since then I've had problems with my left ear getting water in it very easily. An ear vacuum is on the way soon but in the meantime I'm deaf in my left ear and it's very bothersome. Anyone have common experience with it/know any methods that might help to relieve it?
« Last Edit: July 02, 2021, 10:43:33 PM by Goth77 »

Did you try swabbing it with a Q-tip? Seems like they would soak up a lot of that moisture

I used to repeatedly get outer ear infections in my right ear from water getting deep in my ear cbrown town and creating the ideal environment for bacteria to grow and become a problem; now I'm extremely obsessive about keeping my ear cbrown towns dry. In each of my ears I very gently use one of those dust blowers photographers have to get dust off their lenses until the air they blow doesn't feel cold anymore; for times when I don't have the time to do that, I pour a bit of 70% isopropyl alcohol in my ears to help facilitate the evaporation of whatever water has gotten in (though I don't know how safe this is to actually do, I can't imagine having alcohol against your eardrum is very good)

Did you try swabbing it with a Q-tip? Seems like they would soak up a lot of that moisture
The problem is that the moisture is very deep in the ear cbrown town, so deep that there would be a concern of accidentally puncturing the eardrum when using a q-tip.

i lost hearing in one of my ears about a year ago that persisted for days
i took a q-tip to it very carefully and i'm pretty sure earwax was just blocking the eardrum because my hearing went back to normal

also i thought this thread would be about cauliflower ear

I'm going to try alcohol to see if that helps with evaporation like you mentioned. I literally took my vacuum cleaner hose to my ear in an attempt to suck the water or whatever it is out but to no avail.

Did you try swabbing it with a Q-tip? Seems like they would soak up a lot of that moisture

The problem is that the moisture is very deep in the ear cbrown town, so deep that there would be a concern of accidentally puncturing the eardrum when using a q-tip.

I did try a Q-tip at first but honestly it just hurt and seemed to make it worse. I'm concerned that a micro-strand of the cotton might get trapped in from the swelling or something, so im not going to go digging in and potentially make it worse. Definetly going to shower with earplugs in from now on though, to hell with water in the earhole - it's not good!

« Last Edit: July 03, 2021, 10:35:26 AM by Goth77 »

The amount of water in Goths ear cbrown town is to damn high!

The ear vacuum arrived, and it helped a little but for the most part it just doesn't produce enough suction to really help significantly. The good news is I can now hear from the ear - but I can tell it still has a bit of water in it. Gonna use this crappy ear vac a few times a day for the next couple of weeks and see if it makes any difference

what if you use a normal vaccum

Since your eardrums are slightly off center in your head, and the water is on the other side of them the water therefore has to be off center by even more, so if you use the laws of centrifugal force you should be able to remove the water without removing your ear.

Have you tried spinning? a few hundred RPMs should be enough.

Put alcohol in your ear and tilt your head. Wait a minute and then thrust your head to the other side, expelling the alcohol. Source: I’m a former swimmer

thankfully this gone away now. using the ear vacc a few times each day for 10 or so minutes at a time seemed to help more than I initially gave it credit for. it took a lil while but my ear has finally returned to normal. thanks for the advice and support guys - gonna try my best to prevent this by wearing earplugs from now on

Put alcohol in your ear and tilt your head. Wait a minute and then thrust your head to the other side, expelling the alcohol. Source: I’m a former swimmer
but are you a former swimmer with ears

I usually grab my ear like I'm putting an earplug in (So right ear left arms over my head grabbing the top of my ear) then tug on the bottom of my ear with my right hand. It usually gets the bubble to pop.