Author Topic: Can someone help me find a way to get TrackMania Original?  (Read 1553 times)

I've been looking to get my hands on TrackMania original for a while now. I don't mean TrackMania nations or TrackMania 2 because they are both gross.

I'm talking about this game:

I've been searching for a while and I can't find a place to download this game. The official website has a 'download' button that leads to a 404. Everywhere else I look is just a demo. Where can I buy or download this game?

Trackmania Nations United Forever

Trackmania Nations United Forever

is not the game im looking for

But it technically has everything you want, all the original Trackmania cars and areas.

Besides that, I don't know where to find an original Trackmania copy. Maybe Filipe knows.

Trackmania has so many different confusing franchises and names I legitimately don't even know what the game I'm looking for is actually called. I'm just going to assume it's TrackMania Original but I've also seen it called a million other things.

For reference, here is a video from the game:

From what I can gauge, Trackmania Original is a free add-on to the actual original, on a wiki it states "Whatever the version of TrackMania Original you have, you can always download and install the lastest one for free." I would assume the one you were trying to download was here, as it leads to a 404 as you stated. I do not believe you can actually download the actual original through normal means, namely because it is not abandonware. I think your best bet is to buy online, however

                  $40 dollars on Amazon            -            $4 dollars on Amazon
I don't know which one is which, the difference between the two, or which one is the one you're looking for. I don't know much about the Trackmania series as a whole, but wow did these early ones have odd naming conventions.

Hoped this helped a bit on how you'd take action on getting the game at least.

Yeah the one I had on the right was the one I had as a kid. Thanks for your help.

I too had the one on the right as a kid. Fun times.

I still have TMO, maybe I could help you out, also just for a brief explanation.

Trackmania Original is the very first game, it received the name "Original" after a free expansion pack they released to add a few new contents, but it was originally just named Trackmania, that game Stick Man said called Trackmania United Forever is a combination of the Three first TM Games Original, Sunrise and Nations, so you will get 7 environments in one game plus new features, and it's also sold on Steam.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2015, 02:58:49 AM by Filipe »

But it technically has everything you want, all the original Trackmania cars and areas.
Original has a few track pieces united replaced.