Author Topic: Milkshape 3D; Shadow is shape of col, not model?  (Read 1454 times)

So whenever I make vehicles, the shadow is the shape of the collision mesh, not the actual model. I know there's a fix to this, I just don't know what the fix is. Anybody know how to fix it?

Using the non-Plus DTS exporter isn't an option, I saw that as one of the possible fixes.

What are your detail settings and export settings? Also what version of milkshape are you using?

LODs are 0, and latest.

What you do, take two duplicates of all the meshes (not including the collision, of course). Doesn't have to be textured. Make sure the real model's LOD's are 16. Then the two duplicates are 15 and 14. Then your vehicle will have shadows of what you duplicated.

Notice: It doesn't matter at all what texture it is. I don't think, never tried blank texture.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2012, 09:46:11 PM by Uxie² »