Author Topic: Pixel wall  (Read 2270 times)

It's this again. I decided to revive this. I'm just gonna steal the OP from mrlolop.
8:25 PM - mrlolop - you so crasy: and just say "Add your stuff in the squares, (1 square or 4 per person, some stuff like that)
8:25 PM - T. Doodler needs a pixel artist: i could just snatch your topic
8:25 PM - mrlolop - you so crasy: my rule was they were allowed 4 connected squares
8:26 PM - mrlolop - you so crasy: and yes you could
8:30 PM - T. Doodler needs a pixel artist: gonna do that now
8:30 PM - T. Doodler needs a pixel artist: thanks a third time
8:30 PM - mrlolop - you so crasy: np

Quote from: mrlolop
Here's how it works: You get 4 squares. These squares can be in any shape so long as they are connected. You can go more than once, but you cannot go twice in a row, i.e. you post, someone else posts, then you can add to it again.
If someone forgets with the quality, ask them to fix it or skip them. When the board is full, you will start a new one. I'll start of this one.
Theme stripped, Put on anything you want that isn't completely handicapped.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 10:34:46 AM by ? »

Do I have to use all of the four squares?

Do I have to use all of the four squares?
Nope. You can use four or less.

How do I fit a moustache on it?

In the next update someone has to replace the plaid spot, so that's pretty much 4 extra squares for the next updeater.

Are we allowed to use animation?

Are we allowed to use animation?
If you want to overcomplicate everything.

Are we allowed to use animation?
If you do, one of the following will happen.
A. No one will continue it due to not wanting to go through the trouble.
B. Someone who adds to it will break the animation.


duck huuuunt

Changed the rules a tiny bit.

gradients everywhere