Author Topic: Nalenthi 2.0? (random person added me)  (Read 3736 times)

Anyone remember The fake Nalenthi that went around and forgeted people up?
a while ago someone told me she/he/transvestite was coming back, not too long ago.
I'm unsure, but just incase don't accept this person's friend request
call me stupid, gullible, whatever the forget but i am skeptical about it.
it could be the following possibilities
1. Changed her IP, new everything, new steam account.
pyro told me this
PyroMechanics: but she isnt targeting profiles
PyroMechanics: on blf
PyroMechanics: shes targeting badspot
Maxx: lol
Maxx: either way
Maxx: im still skeptical
Maxx: my gut says something isnt right
PyroMechanics: confirmed
PyroMechanics: 7:03 PM - PyroMechanics: its one of MoR's goons
PyroMechanics: reject them
PyroMechanics: dont add them
get ready folks
« Last Edit: September 28, 2014, 07:04:22 PM by Maxxi »

i accepted it at first and i immediately removed them

brother that is a bot, the profile is empty

i accepted it at first and i immediately removed them

brother that is a bot, the profile is empty
We don't know that.
it could be a bot or anything
pyro is telling me though that it could be one of MOR's people
fakelenthi had the same things, just a profile picture with like 1 friend or something
but we're unsure

pretty sure thats bot as forget

pretty sure thats bot as forget
it might or might not, im still skeptical.
PyroMechanics: reject them
PyroMechanics: dont add them
PyroMechanics: i think i got added by them earlier

i accepted it, as i said, and i got one message: "Hi!"

i said who are you with no answer, removed them. they added me again instantly. this is a bot, yo.

the strange thing is that it only has retro gamma added and that account is playing garrys mod
maybe thats MOR?

i got a hunch
that this is bullstuff

i think they added me earlier when they didnt set up their account
6:58 PM - PyroMechanics: yo -removed-
6:58 PM -  -removed-: ?
6:58 PM - PyroMechanics: i think nalenthi is on the move
6:58 PM - PyroMechanics:
6:58 PM - -removed-: what makesyou say that
6:58 PM - PyroMechanics: 6:57 PM - Maxx:
6:57 PM - Maxx: nalenthi 2.0?
6:57 PM - Maxx: this person randomly added me
6:58 PM - PyroMechanics: gimme a second
6:58 PM - PyroMechanics: just added hodot
6:59 PM - PyroMechanics: there friends of rotro gamma
6:59 PM - PyroMechanics: who are friends of you
6:59 PM - -removed-: retro gamma is man of reason
6:59 PM - PyroMechanics: alt accoun?
7:00 PM - PyroMechanics: ask him about it
7:00 PM - -removed-: Retro Gamma: Back in action
7:00 PM - -removed-: go figure
7:00 PM - PyroMechanics: is it him though
7:00 PM - PyroMechanics: ?
7:00 PM - -removed-: it isn't fakelenthi either
7:00 PM - -removed-: i say either
7:00 PM - -removed-: because it isnt mor
7:02 PM - PyroMechanics: do you have any leads?
7:03 PM - -removed-: i can tell you it's one of his goons
7:03 PM - PyroMechanics: did he say anything?
7:04 PM - -removed-: warn the forums
7:04 PM - -removed-: he never tells
7:04 PM - -removed-: for some odd reason
7:04 PM - PyroMechanics: maxx is doing that
7:04 PM - PyroMechanics: maxx mad the topic
7:04 PM - PyroMechanics: *made
7:04 PM - -removed-: watch as the cunts at the forums attack him
there mass adding forumers, is obvious there trying 1.attack the forums again or 2. its some joke

given that it's maxx i wouldnt be surprised

either way don't add suspicious accounts, im pretty sure you can get someone's IP by adding them

Its just a bot lol calm down.

im pretty sure you can get someone's IP by adding them
IP = public information, theres nothing you can do with an IP except DDOS which can easily be avoided