Author Topic: restart computer - re-enter key  (Read 1915 times)

this is annoying. every time i reset my computer i have to re-enter my key.

Weird. It remembers my key if I restart my computer.

Are you using wifi or mobile internet?

no im using a desktop connected to my isp, i didnt touch anything.

Have you checked if wherever your key is in blockland documentary if its set to read only?

Weird. It remembers my key if I restart my computer.
Depends, it sometimes asks me to type it in, sometimes not...

it'll only change if your local IP changes.

you're able to find out your local IP by going into the command prompt and typing in ipconfig and it should show you what you're connected to on each of your adapters.

check your router out maybe? not sure about you but my router used to always change my ip address every time i disconnected

Blockland's folder is most likely set to read only.  Disable that by right clicking the folder and selecting "properties"

Make sure this

Is unchecked

Then navigate to the "Security" tab

and change the permissions to allow everything. 

Good luck!

this is still happening. i did the folder thing already.

Go to Blockland Folder->Key.dat->Right Click->Properties

Check if it is read only. Try to-as anyone would say-redownload your Blockland, just backup your add-ons. Are you trying to get an older version?