Author Topic: Cheesepizza2 - Bad faith poster  (Read 20255 times)

can we all start referring to cheesepizza as meg

i understand the whole "you don't have gender dysphoria you don't understand" but anecdotal evidence isn't, well, good evidence. here's some statistics. besides surgery causing a huge amount of medical illnesses such as a high amount of heart risk, a staggeringly high amount of people (11%) regret the surgery so much they cough up thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars as well as an even higher medical risk just to undo it.
2 out of 3 women who undergo cosmetic surgeries regret them. 11% is staggeringly low, actually.

[/size]the only important thing that came out of that was that I forgeted your dad long richard style and you saying that a woman's purpose in life is to give birth
Once again you claim I said that yet I never did, I said that a woman's body is built to handle pregnancies whilst your point was that women go through immense mental and physical pain whilst giving birth which I do not deny however it is NOT as you said dropping a Watermelon through my "pisser". Women can handle pregnancies multiple ones even, I have 3 siblings. My mother never ever said she wished she could have aborted a child or anything in that sense because of how immense the pain is. She felt that the pain of having a child was worth it and she was ready and knew that burden. My point was children whom are born from Rape do not deserve to get aborted, the women give birth and put them up for adoption if they are incapable to physically give birth surgically removing the babies from the womb is always possible. And my opinion about homoloveuals stays the same and won't be changed. I do not think being gay is a sin, I think it's a mental disability, at which you mentioned "even animals in nature have been known to have intercourse with the same love" at which my response is that those animals have that very same mental disability as animals have been observed and capable of getting several mental issues such as depression or ADHD and are perfectly capable of getting that mental disability themselves.About you spamming "loving my dad" it is very immature to resort to something like this in an arguement and really just proves my point further as you clearly have nothing left to argue with. Why would you resort to lying on the forums even to try and make yourself look better? I'm not forcing my opinions on you, this started with me jokingly saying "Don't join Luigi's server he likes balls" because he banned me for calling him a homo at which you and your buddies decided to spam chat with arguements that made no sense. For example calling me stupid because I'm a catholic yet you can't hold a conversation together without bursting into spamming the chat with something genuinely handicapped. Several others in chat pointed out your mistakes and handicapped arguements at which you again responded with "i forgeted your dad" honestly I wouldn't hold an arguement with someone like you again because you're not going to listen to my arguement.You either didn't listen proven by these lies you've posted on the topic, or you're just trying to put me in a negative light and make yourself look better. I do not genuinely care if you're a Liberal or a Conservative. I personally am a Conservative but I won't hate someone for having a different ideological mindset. Unless they're communists.

We defend both the God-given life and dignity of all human persons from conception until natural death, and the natural family based on marriage—defined as a lifetime union between one man and one woman, a union that is open to life.

As followers of Jesus Christ and members of the Catholic Church, our goal is to build a Culture of Life and of Love around the world through education, outreach, and advocacy, providing pro-life training and resources worldwide.

idk why the text turned out small but that doesn't say being gay is a sin it just says a normal marriage is between a man and a woman

what the forget
the only important thing that came out of that was that I forgeted your dad long richard style and you saying that a woman's purpose in life is to give birth
Once again you claim I said that yet I never did, I said that a woman's body is built to handle pregnancies whilst your point was that women go through immense mental and physical pain whilst
giving birth which I do not deny however it is NOT as you said dropping a Watermelon through my "pisser". Women can handle pregnancies multiple ones even, I have 3 siblings. My mother never
 ever said she wished she could have aborted a child or anything in that sense because of how immense the pain is. She felt that the pain of having a child was worth it and she was ready and
knew that burden. My point was children whom are born from Rape do not deserve to get aborted, the women give birth and put them up for adoption if they are incapable to physically give birth
surgically removing the babies from the womb is always possible. And my opinion about homoloveuals stays the same and won't be changed. I do not think being gay is a sin, I think it's a mental
disability, at which you mentioned "even animals in nature have been known to have intercourse with the same love" at which my response is that those animals have that very same mental
disability as animals have been observed and capable of getting several mental issues such as depression or ADHD and are perfectly capable of getting that mental disability themselves.

About you spamming "loving my dad" it is very immature to resort to something like this in an arguement and really just proves my point further as you clearly have nothing left to argue with.
Why would you resort to lying on the forums even to try and make yourself look better? I'm not forcing my opinions on you, this started with me jokingly saying "Don't join Luigi's server he likes
balls" because he banned me for calling him a homo at which you and your buddies decided to spam chat with arguements that made no sense. For example calling me stupid because I'm a
catholic yet you can't hold a conversation together without bursting into spamming the chat with something genuinely handicapped. Several others in chat pointed out your mistakes and handicapped
arguements at which you again responded with "i forgeted your dad" honestly I wouldn't hold an arguement with someone like you again because you're not going to listen to my arguement.
You either didn't listen proven by these lies you've posted on the topic, or you're just trying to put me in a negative light and make yourself look better. I do not genuinely care if you're a Liberal
or a Conservative. I personally am a Conservative but I won't hate someone for having a different ideological mindset. Unless they're communists.

catholics are pretty bad though

here's a statistic: while most men regret not being good at picking up or seducing a woman, most women actually regret having love in the first place (your mom included)

this is me and ur father rn

If you change it from to you get a link that can be played in browsers and wont direct to a DL link

this is me and ur father rn
This is really the only reply I expected from you.
This literally just proves my point further, you start an arguement confident you would win it and when you start losing you start getting off topic and spamming.

idk why the text turned out small but that doesn't say being gay is a sin it just says a normal marriage is between a man and a woman
if a marriage is to be a religious ceremony between a man and a woman then remove the legal ties to it with regards to hipaa, social security and insurance benefits, income, capital gains, estate, marital tax deductions, adoption restrictions, and easing the access to joint accounts

you can have one or the other, and with the religious right constantly pouring taxpayer money into marriage incentives every state and federal annual budget, i doubt it'll be the way you want it.