Author Topic: 1000 ways to get kicked out of walmart  (Read 28308 times)

54: walk in say welcome to the welcome person, take some lube from over in the automobile area, take it to the front counter and buy it, strip naked and forget the welcome person

55. At this point they just call the cops when you walk in

56. An elaborate scheme for this spoopowe'en:
1. Get someone to dress as twin towers
2. Dress as plane
3. Other friend dresses as plane
4. More friends get in those cart thingies and you pull them
5. Arm yourself with explosives
6. Walk in one after another
7. ???
8. profit

57. Getting kicked out of walmart

58. drive around in those kiddie cars

59. Have an unoriginal way to get kicked out of Walmart.

60. being the below user

62. eat the fish in the fish tanks

63: trying to shoplift 3 laptops, a switch, ps4, xbone, 2 flatscreen tvs and 7 steaks in your fat rolls while screeching tribal stuff

64. steal all the balls from those ball tower thingys that kids usually play around with

1000. At this point, there's nothing you can do to avoid being kicked out of walmart

64. steal all the balls from those ball tower thingys that kids usually play around with
65. start punting those balls

66. anonymous bomb threats

67. Eat their whole cookie supply