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Topics - Dannu

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Modification Help / Help: Custom turret aiming
« on: January 11, 2018, 11:43:56 AM »

I'm looking to get back into Blockland modding by completing a long-term aspiration of mine. I want to use Port's DTS exporter to model and code an automatic ballistic turret. This would of course require some projectile math and standard 3D modelling that I could handle.

The problem arises with actually properly rigging a model and then controlling it. If at all possible, I would need as much pointers as possible.

Basic concept:

I can get as far as working out the angle A, but how would I accurately set up the movement on even a basic level on a turret and then actually set the angle A via script.

Any help is appreciated.


There has been an increasing trend over the past few years where people have started, for whatever reason, hosting their servers on common ports, 30000 specifically. Instead of using the port 28000, a perfectly fine port, people are going out of their way to use port 30000, a more common port which has been known to be used by trojans and infectors. This leads to many medium-to-high strictness web safety filters opting to block communication to as many as a third of the servers in Blockland at times.

So this leads to my request: Please use the tried and tested port 28000 as often as possible. And if you do happen to need to host multiple servers on the same network, use more specific ports and do a quick background check on the port you are using to make sure it is not flagged to be affiliated to malicious or otherwise block-worthy applications.

After all, this way you have less chance of a potential player being restricted from accessing your server :).

Off Topic / Welcome to a more secure BLF.
« on: April 16, 2016, 05:28:32 PM »
Apparently we're running HTTPS now. Yay I guess, about time.

Off Topic / 4200 posts
« on: April 12, 2016, 01:11:02 AM »
I'd like to thank my mom, my dad, the academy

Also obligatory what am I doing with my life?

Off Topic / Help finding a music identifying application.
« on: January 02, 2016, 08:10:05 AM »
I have been looking for an application which can take mic input and compare it to a set of music files which you can supply and I have had little luck.. Has anyone come across something that does this? Would help if it was available as a phone application too.

Add-Ons / Dannu's mini-mods. |Old topic was too old|
« on: October 22, 2015, 05:24:22 AM »

Dannu's Mini-Mods

The idea

I have had a couple ideas for some small mods but never got around to them because I didn't have the motivation to post them on their separate topic. The purpose of this topic is if I ever make more mini-mods, this is a place for me to post them. I am taking suggestions. These requests can not take any modeling work unless you're willing to provide the models and all the model-related work. I will also probably not do anything related to items or playertypes.
Direct link without iFrame

I don't know where else to put this so here it is. It's a website that shows every server currently on in a pretty, convenient manner. A lot of help was received from psp and also Swollow regarding the currently WIP live search bar. (Seriously, if someone knows how to make it work properly, let me know.) VitaWrap has helped me out with a banner and a missing preview icon. Edit: Live search is now fully functional.

( mirror)

What prompted me to create this topic in the first place. In a nutshell, it allows you to fly using the kebind that is normally the alarm emote or just the server command /alarm. It goes more in-depth with enabling it, disabling it, making it admin-only and accessible to everyone, setting per-client speeds, and disabling it per-client allowing you to use the alarm emote normally. The usage guide is in the description.txt! Please help me out by trying to break it any way you can and if you find anything that should be fixed, let me know.

( mirror)

I often times find myself needing to know, or just curious about how many bricks I use up in a server. This server-side mod allows players to use /myBrickcount to see how many bricks they own.

Suggestions & Requests / [Print request] 8x Steep Mod-Ter maze bricks.
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:20:03 AM »
So I'm making a random maze generator, as you can see from the title, but at it's largest, the maze can be as large as 300,000 bricks.
Turns out I have a LOT more lee-way with bricks. I had a problem with duplicate bricks that I sorted out. The 300,000 bricks turned into 80.8k bricks.

(that's just the biggest part of the maze I could get to render at once, the thing is freaking huge)

Seems a bit bland, huh?

Well I need YOU, yes you to make me some 8x steep mod-ter prints for things like corn, hedges, whatever.

On a more serious note though, I would appreciate the help. If any clarification is needed, just ask away.

 So even when starting completely fresh, trying to join Brian's server, the console is filled with a bunch of 403 (Access denied) messages from or when changing the CDN URL ( setCDNUrl(""); ), from
 When trying to access or via browser, I get an brown townogical error from both websites but with a different Host and Request ID.

  <Message>Access Denied</Message>
Blocked out a part of the ID-s because I am unsure how sensitive the data is and better safe than sorry. Call me paranoid.

And like I said, both websites spit out the same message except with different ID-s.

Off Topic / Dannu is going camping the topic.
« on: July 31, 2015, 06:34:54 AM »
It's with a group of friends and we're going on an island. It's a small island with camping sites, nature and no infrastructure of any kind except a few houses, a small boatyard, a small stand with necessities, probably nowhere to charge electronics either. Like I brought a bunch of food, some clothes, a tent, stuff to drink ;) and toilet paper. Will be staying for two nights.

/discuss camping experiences.

Had to get up at 4:30, went to sleep at 2:00.

Discuss dreadful flying experiences.

Off Topic / Waiting to board a flight.
« on: July 21, 2015, 12:31:25 AM »
Had to get up at 4:30, went to sleep at 2:00.

Discuss dreadful flying experiences.

I am using Mac OS X 10.9.4 (13E28) kernel version Darwin 13.3.0. So now that we're past the formalities, let's dive into it.

I first noticed this issue in my chat logger. It isn't the prettiest thing but it has worked well for some time now. Example of some servers it has worked with To give a little bit of context on how long I have been using it, it also logs every BL_ID i meet in a seperate .txt file and stores the different names I meet them as into them, it has collected a total of 10 332 ID-s. I've deducted the issue to be as follows, something in the past weeks has changed and openForWrite and openForAppend can't create new folders like they used to. Now, every time it tries to open a file for write in an nonexistent folder, the console spits out an OS error that goes as follows:
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to open stream for "config/client/BCL/chatLogs/ScriptingTaco's Server/07-15-15.txt"

This is the chat logger

Add-Ons / Dannu's mini-mods. | Suggest stuff |
« on: July 08, 2015, 11:54:29 AM »

Dannu's Mini-Mods

The idea

I have had a couple ideas for some small mods but never got around to them because I didn't have the motivation to post them on their separate topic. The purpose of this topic is if I ever make more mini-mods, this is a place for me to post them. I am taking suggestions. These requests can not take any modeling work unless you're willing to provide the models and all the model-related work. I will also probably not do anything related to items or playertypes.
Direct link without iFrame

I don't know where else to put this so here it is. It's a website that shows every server currently on in a pretty, convenient manner. A lot of help was received from psp and also Swollow regarding the currently WIP live search bar. (Seriously, if someone knows how to make it work properly, let me know.) VitaWrap has helped me out with a banner and a missing preview icon. Edit: Live search is now fully functional.

( mirror)

What prompted me to create this topic in the first place. In a nutshell, it allows you to fly using the kebind that is normally the alarm emote or just the server command /alarm. It goes more in-depth with enabling it, disabling it, making it admin-only and accessible to everyone, setting per-client speeds, and disabling it per-client allowing you to use the alarm emote normally. The usage guide is in the description.txt! Please help me out by trying to break it any way you can and if you find anything that should be fixed, let me know.

This is all for working with modular terrain.

How to detect bricks on the side of a brick and see what side of the face was the original brick facing in relation to that brick and create bricks with certain rotations?

Other more general know-how information is also appreciated.

Select the respective number of the shape you find best describes you.

No plotwist coming at all, no sir.

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