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Topics - cooldawson3

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Games / Scrap Mechanic Multiplayer
« on: July 02, 2016, 11:52:49 AM »
Scrap Mechanic's a pretty cool little game, but no one on my friends list ever plays it so I have no one to make cool stuff with. If you play the game and want to try it sometime on multiplayer, leave your steam here and maybe I'll add you and whatnot.

Off Topic / I need assistance finding a particular movie
« on: February 23, 2016, 07:18:08 PM »
I saw the trailer of this movie within recent years, definitely not longer ago than early 2013.

It was about a guy opening (inheriting, maybe?) a restaurant and meeting this young lady. The lady's mother (grandmother, maybe?) was also a rather established restaurant owner. Anyways, the guy decides to change recipes around and modify them, and that really upsets this woman's mother. They become akin to rival restaurants, but the guy has a love interest with the daughter (aforementioned young lady).

I believe it was either a foreign country or a small town setting or something like it, hard to tell from the trailer and the fact that I barely remember it.

I want to say it was around 2014 to 2015 that I saw this trailer, but it interested me because it looked like a decent movie, kinda sappy, which I'm a sucker for. Anyways, if any of you have any ideas, that'd be sweet.

Games / Videos That Make You Feel Bad at Gaming
« on: November 30, 2015, 11:21:44 PM »
General thread for videos that you watch that make you realize you are horrible in comparison.

All the same guy ^^^

There are a lot more on this guy's channel. Some of his Far Cry 4 stuff is great, too.

Games / Anyone know of any first person climbing games?
« on: July 12, 2015, 09:22:15 PM »
It might seem like an odd request, but I was wondering if there were any decent first person climbing or platforming games where the climbing or platforming is the theme of the game.

Grow Home comes to mind, except that one wasn't first person. Doesn't even need any story or anything, just as long as it has the goal of climbing things.

I'm doing the parent-taught form of driver's license learning in Texas, and I'm about a month away from being able to turn this permit into a license and I am excited, but super nervous as well.

Honestly, I don't know how different Texas's driver's learning process is from other states, but I just want to ask for any advice or other sort of ideas on how to cope with the nerves.

I was taught from my mom on how to drive, and she's crazy about remembering to use turn signals and staying the right speed and checking all of the spots you need to check before you do things such as swap lanes. So she's drilled that into my head fairly well. The test is a "One mess up only" sort of deal, where the first time you do anything wrong, you fail immediately and can't make any more appointments. Meaning you have to wake up terribly early and do a walk-in for a test, first come first serve against the rest of two whole town's worth of teenagers. So I'm pretty pressured.

I'm just afraid I might mess something up slightly, or mess up the parallel parking part. Several of my friends failed instantly from that bit alone, and that's the very first thing they test you on. One of my friends failed because they were too close to the curb, and that scares me as well as hitting the rubber pole markers. I'm afraid.

Any tips, forum comrades? Or just driving test discussion in general, I guess.

Off Topic / PSA: One More Steam Scam
« on: November 22, 2014, 09:37:15 PM »
So I've had 2 people add me and try this on me so far, out of nowhere.

They added me, and didn't respond when I said hello. Around an hour later, they sent a link that looks like a legit one, but isn't, claiming to be a friend of one of your 'old friends'. This old friend couldn't reach you at the time, so wants you to add him etc etc.

I haven't opened the link, but I see that there is an extra 'L' in the word 'community', so I just wanted to put this out there to watch for this one, too, and wonder if anyone else has received anything like this?

Off Topic / My ISP is a major pain
« on: September 25, 2014, 10:10:35 PM »
As a couple of you on here already know, my Internet connection has basically been falling apart. Around three or so months ago, I began to notice my speeds were becoming a bit questionably slow- I voiced my opinion to my family occasionally and thought no more of it afterwards. A month goes by, and suddenly I notice that I can barely play TF2 anymore, and Steam became much more network hogging than I remembered. As in, when I was connected to Steam, the Internet was considerably slower than I remembered. After closing Steam and running a speedtest, I noticed that even with Steam closed, router reset, and no family phones connected to our network, we still were much slower than we usually were. I, once again, told my family and I even called Internet America to see if there was something going on at their end that was the problem.

After talking for a bit, this guy makes me use a speed test, though this one is one they keep on their website. When talking to him, I miraculously got speeds faster than I ever remembered getting. He tells me that we seem fine, and the call ends shortly after. Later, I run the same speed test, and I get results around 20% of the speeds I was just getting while on the line with him. My mom, not knowing I'd called this guy, calls him after she notices something's wrong. He decides to send a tech guy over to check on our wires and dish and the likes.

The guy gets here, immediately swaps out some wires with fresh ones. He tells us that our neighbor's recent dish upgrade is basically acting as a vacuum for our service, and he relocates our dish to the other side of our house, saying that this way their dish isn't blocking ours. Seriously, our neighbor just got a giant dish, so we all guessed that that would surely fix it. He runs a few speed tests, shows us that we're getting faster than before speeds again. He leaves, and our Internet did seem improved, though still really slow. I no longer could play TF2, and I had to tell naturemon to pop me out of the BLF HL team roster, for the sake of the team. CS:S also became a no-go. Garry's Mod became unplayable online.

Fast forward a bit, my Internet's doing better, but still, it's obvious there's something wrong. The IT people know my mom's name by now, and they openly tell her they have "no idea what's wrong here, but something is definitely not right and we're looking into it further." This goes on for about two weeks. They eventually tell her "You should run the speed tester on our site, it sends us statistics about your connection. Just do it at any chance you get, around an hour between." This task falls to me, and I do it every now and then, at all kinds of times.

They send another tech guy, and all he does is quickly turn our dish a few inches, and then leaves again. If our Internet was bad before this visit, it is absolutely miserable now. It ended up cutting our speeds down even more. Present day, I haven't played anything other than LoL, and this is only possible from 1:00 am to 4:00 am.

The thing is, our Internet is bad in general, but it's also highly unstable. One minute, it'll be going great. The next, we'll get a cap of 0.10 Mbps Download speed and 0.05 Upload speed. Our latency is always, without fail, over 160 on the speed tester. We even bought and set up a new router, thinking that the old one was simply outdated now. No such luck.

Tonight is better than most nights, download and upload speed wise. The thing is, I can never tell. It's so unpredictable, one night can be great and fine, then the next can be the worst it's ever been.
Tonight's Speedtest @ 9:00 pm

What should I do? Any advice? If I left anything out, I'll probably edit it in shortly, it's a lot to write down for my tired self.

Off Topic / Control VR Kickstarter
« on: June 07, 2014, 10:51:49 PM »

I have no idea why this thing is not being backed a ton. I mean, this thing looks like it'd be crazy fun to use with the a VR headset.

Currently has $186,507 out of $250,000

Ripped from the above link:

"What can I use it with? -  EVERYTHING YOU WANT

Control VR was designed to be versatile and used with a variety of operating systems and platforms. The development kit comes with more than 10 free applications for the PC as well as an open source SDK for developers to create the applications of the future with Oculus VR, Google Glass, Unity, Unreal, Autodesk software and even the Parrot AR Drone!"

I just felt like bringing this up to you guys, I want to hear what you guys think about this.

Games / A friend wants to know if she can run Gmod
« on: April 16, 2014, 11:30:58 PM »
These are the specs she sent, versus the minimum requirements listed on Gmod's store page.

I would look at this myself, but I am terrible at this kind of thing.

Minimum: -Not Really Listed-
Have: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50 GHz

CPU Speed
Minimum: 1.7 GHz Processor
Have: 2.5 GHz Performance rated at 6.25 GHz

Minimum: 512 MB
Have: 8.1 GB

Minimum: Windows Vista/XP/2000/7
Have: Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit)

Video Card
Minimum: DirectX 8.1 level Graphics Card (requires supoort for SSE)
Have: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000

Free Disk Space
Minimum: 150 MB
Have: 574.5 GB

Would she be able to run it, even if on the bare lowest settings possible?
Thanks in advance.

Games / My mic dies when playing Garry's Mod
« on: April 07, 2014, 10:22:42 PM »
When I get into a server (any server seems to do it) and I try to talk on my mic, people often say things like "You have to hold the talk button. You're mic keeps cutting out." Or "Your mic is chopping out a lot." Or "All we hear is I- ne- -il an- tr- -ool." My mic is cutting out, then cutting in, then cutting out over and over again. To where I only get a syllable or two out before it cuts.

I have typed "voice_loopback 1" and tested this. It cuts terribly.
Singleplayer does not cut.
Low ping seems to make it cut less, though I might be imagining things.
All of Steam's settings based on voice are correct.
All of Gmod's voice settings are correct.
I have updated drivers to see if that might help. It did not.
Other mic's seem to do this as well.
It only does this on Gmod. TF2 and CS:S are not affected at all, high ping or otherwise.
Google does not come up with very many useful pages.

if I am leaving anything out, I'll probably catch my mistake and edit it.

Games / Is Just Cause 2 worth the 15 dollars?
« on: January 29, 2014, 06:04:58 PM »
I'm looking into a new free-roam kind of game, and I heard Just Cause 2 was "okay." I want to hear some other opinions on this one, mainly because I barely ever hear anything about it. Most of my friends don't know what it is or what it's about, so I'm turning to you guys for help.

Now, saving up isn't the problem here, that part would be easy. The problem is if it's just worth it in general. I heard there was mods for it, so that might add on replay value and what-not.

Opinions, please?

Games / Help me find a L4D Story
« on: December 03, 2013, 08:08:43 AM »
I can't remember the name, I guess you could say it was fanfic, but it was good, clean fanfic. It was about a Hunter that could still think rationally, even as a zombie, and it was trying to help a survivor. I think the survivor was a girl, not sure. I'm pretty sure I read it on the Steam forums, but I'm not positive about that.

I'll have to check this topic when I get home later, so thanks beforehand.

I've got a spare Frozen Synapse on my Steam, and I want System Shock 2. I know System Shock 2 is on sale for a little while, so it's pretty cheap at the moment.

System Shock 2 is 3 Dollars.
Frozen Synapse is 25 Dollars.

If anyone's willing, add me:

Will lock this if a trade is made, or if System Shock 2's sale ends.

Games / Trying to remember a game's name
« on: August 23, 2013, 05:51:55 PM »
A few years ago, I had this game on an old computer, and if anyone knows what it's called, it'd be appreciated.

Basically, Earth is in the middle of a screen, and you control a ship that flies around it, and you shoot at all sorts of on-coming alien ships and other crazy things headed for Earth.

You can buy upgrades for your ship, and you can buy buildings for the Earth that gave all kinda of bonuses.

I remember the art style was neat, it was a 2D game, but some things in the game looked kinda 3D. If I remember correctly, you can play a demo online.

I remember it now. "Clash N Slash"

Off Topic / I love each and every one of you.
« on: August 18, 2013, 12:45:05 AM »
I've been having a slightly bad day today, just haven't been feeling great lately. Anyways, after getting home earlier, I picked up a bit around the house, etc, then hopped on here. After awhile, I realized I wasn't in as terrible a mood. That got me thinking about previous days, whether good or bad.

I realized this place is like a sanctuary to me. I come on here angry or in a bad mood, and somehow or other you guys manage to help me out a lot. Seriously, this place has just always been here for me. Years ago, I was an obnoxious little kid. You guys ripped me up on my first few topics, and honestly, I don't regret posting those topics at all. You guys, whether meaning to or not, have taught me that I should mature pretty quick or I will not do well. This carried over into real life, and I thank you guys for this. Some more than others (A.R.C., WhatevaGuy, and a few others in particular).

Years ago, I had terrible, terrible anger problems. I used to just get so angry. Well, after joining this place, you guys and your different youtube videos and anything else that interested me, always managed to calm me down. I can't thank all of you enough, even if you didn't help.

So, all in all, I always saw you guys as a big second family, even if I didn't participate too much. You guys have helped me more times than necessary, and you didn't even know. So I just felt like all of you deserve a thanks, from me. Even if you don't know me, and I don't know you, I still see you as part of the community.

Also, to any of you that I may have been harsh or rude to, I'm sorry. You most likely didn't deserve it.

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