Author Topic: best setting for an Overwatch asssault style map?  (Read 764 times)

I've figured out a way to rig up slayer's territory mode to behave similarly to overwatch's assault mode, so I thought I might make a map to accommodate it. anyone have any thoughts on what sort of setting it should take place in?

I'm thinking a french or german style village might be nice. sorta like King's Row but with more of an Eichenwalde look.

villa style sounds nice, but i hope you're up to the task of doing all that detail work cause its gonna be a big pain on such a large scale, i bet.

if you can, see if you can get it to happen along a coast maybe for the extra aesthethic

i hope you're up to the task of doing all that detail work
boy all that detail work is what I live for

coast sounds nice tho, I'm torn between that and some sorta cliffside overlook, definitely gotta have that environmental boundary tho.