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Topics - xSetrox

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Help / Packet Errors- uggghhh
« on: June 19, 2014, 11:56:22 PM »
This annoys me so much

also sometimes instead of saying unpackupdate it says fxdtsbrick
why does this happen and is there a fix?

So I transferred my blockland key to my old steam account. But now I want to take it out of my old steam account and transfer it to my new steam account.
Is this possible?

Off Topic / AVGN - The Movie
« on: June 19, 2014, 02:57:32 PM »

Drama / Glass still hasn't changed, has he?
« on: June 16, 2014, 05:44:31 PM »

i mean the joke made no sense and i don't even know why i said it, but seriously? an ip ban for a bad joke?
before saying that i said "glass is badspot's bank. he never deposits, only withdraws".
he never gave me any warning or asked me to stop.

General Discussion / X-ray mod in blockland?
« on: June 14, 2014, 11:22:34 PM »
Would an x-ray mod in blockland be possible? Like you press a keybind and it makes all bricks invisible do you can see players and whatever?

Drama / Cromedome's Server Advertising Bot
« on: June 14, 2014, 08:18:21 PM »

He joined another time as well, said his thing, and disconnected, again.
So yeah, this sucks. It's probably coursing through the whole server list right now, advertising.

Off Topic / Setro Graduated
« on: June 13, 2014, 09:31:40 PM »


so yay for me
(i graduated 8th grade not high school ok)

General Discussion / Adventure Mode is not working
« on: June 11, 2014, 04:28:39 PM »
I've had this issue for 2 days now, it's really bothering me.
I cannot complete level 25, because anytime the soldier on that level shoots me, my game crashes.
I've found the line that explains the issue, but I do not know how to fix it:
Code: [Select]
bullet.dts is missing required collision boxesplease help me

Off Topic / Think of an object before entering this thread
« on: June 10, 2014, 11:35:32 PM »
That object now replaces your snake.
How will you pee? How will you fap?

Modification Help / How do I use MMRes(%client)
« on: June 10, 2014, 05:41:24 PM »
How do I do this?

General Discussion / How do I even use MMRes(%client)
« on: June 10, 2014, 05:35:02 PM »
How do I use this? I tried a lot of stuff.

General Discussion / Setro's Mafia Madness
« on: June 09, 2014, 06:30:34 PM »
Setro's Mafia Madness

Same rules as always. Join now! More information will be added to the topic soon.

I was just wondering if anyone here has the mafia madness edition with new roles like brute, planter, etc.
Or is it private?
If it's not private, can you post a link to download it here? Or if you don't want the whole BLF to have it, can you message me (you probably wont trust me tho)

so all I want is for someone to make these console commands into scripts where you can do /commandhere

Code: [Select]
$Pref::Server::MMDumpsterLoc = findclientbyname("Setro").getcontrolobject().getposition();^ this should be /setdumpster
Code: [Select]
$Pref::Server::MMArenaLoc = findclientbyname("Setro").getcontrolobject().getposition();^ this should be /setarena
Code: [Select]
$Pref::Server::MMAfterlifeLoc = findclientbyname("Setro").getcontrolobject().getposition(); ^ and this should be /setafterlife

Yes, this is for ease of mafia madness hosting. Thanks.

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