Author Topic: What causes trace() to emulate alt-f4?  (Read 2145 times)

I'm trying to find out why BL keeps creashing, but it never gets to that point when I turn on trace because it keeps closing spontaneously without error.  I figured out that messing with fileObjects was doing it so I started turning off trace just while that's going on and turning it back on, but it still tends to totally shut down the program often.

Is there a list or something of stuff trace can't handle? I can't for the life of me figure out where this crash is happening and I'm out of ideas.

I'm a hacker on steroids and wanted to cause you confusion as revenge.

Iban that didn't make much sense :P
I hope you figure it out soon wallet, your server is very entertaining, and it wouldn't be very good for you if your unable to add features to your mod's >:

Oi sorry if I put this in the wrong place. It seemed more like a general question since it's just a console command and I didn't know if it was any of my code that's doing it.  :panda:

Wallet, just stabbing at the question, but wouldn't it make more sense to think that you're using trace improperly, thus crashing the server, instead of trace() being a crash command?

Also, Alt+F4 is not binded in Blockland, it is the Windows Close command.
You can use if something, such as a program CPU eating, happens and it is on top and is normally what it is meant for. Don't refer to trace(); to it, alt+f4 is a fancy way of saying "Close without hitting the X."

Alt f4 attempts to send the Exit (can be changed, i.e. steam) message to the active window.

You guys are totally missing my point.

1. No, I don't think I'm using trace improperly. It works just fine until it hits certain things, and then it goes bonkers. There's nothing magical about using trace once it's on, it's simply on, so I need to make sure it doesn't hit any of these certain things.

2. By "emulate alt-f4" I was trying to express that it suddenly closes without any errors. It saddens me that anyone took this differently.

oke so, thanks for posting and maybe I am using trace wrong, but if more people could stay on-topic that would be great.

I'm just saying you should say "Insta-closes" or something