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Messages - comr4de

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Off Topic / Re: Anime and Manga Megathread
« on: July 24, 2015, 12:03:52 PM »

I see that gate has already successfully predicted the upcoming elections

cant stump the Annoying Orange

Games / Re: StarMade - New GUI! Station Blueprints!
« on: July 24, 2015, 01:43:10 AM »
prepare to wait a long time then because thats not what this game is about <3
I wouldn't be so sure. Fauna is coming out relatively soon, among other things.

Games / Re: Should I get Elite: Dangerous?
« on: July 23, 2015, 04:10:18 AM »
tbh, no man's sky (from what we've seen) has a p bad engine with "detail layers". this causes INCREDIBLY annoying pop-ins.
it also will probably rely a lot on ram more than it really needs to, which is probably why the ps4 looks like it is dying in rendering stuff
forgetin' this. We've seen so little of NMS that it's kind of unnerving to me. I'm waiting for them to start actually demoing it in depth so we can see what we're actually getting.

Off Topic / Re: 11 Drunk guys play slender
« on: July 22, 2015, 02:14:09 AM »
in what universe does youtube use links like that

there you go
He's probably posting from mobile

what keys? fghjkl?

Off Topic / Re: Donald Annoying Orange Twitter Gems V.2
« on: July 17, 2015, 02:29:07 AM »

Hahahaha this one is forgetin great

rly sucks that donald Annoying Orange is getting so much stuff for what hes said about illegals. What he says isn't incorrect he's just saying it without any forgetin tact

Modification Help / Re: Work for ARES! Get Paid!
« on: July 15, 2015, 07:06:07 PM »
One footnote; the stubber needs to force the player to stand still while shooting, wihout entering a "deployed" anim. In otherwords, while the trigger is being held down, the player cannot move. But when you let go of the trigger, you can immediately move normally.

Modification Help / Work for ARES! Get Paid!
« on: July 14, 2015, 05:09:48 PM »
So we're working on a 40k co-op campaign and we realized that we are lacking two weapons that were never made in the 40k pack, a Shotgun and a Heavy Stubber (machine gun). Since the original creator is no longer able to continue his work, we turn to you, the community, to make these guns for us. There will be money involved.

What we need is a gun that looks like this

and this

Stylized and proportioned like these
(download here)

We've considered using T+T as a close substitute however they're far too powerful for what we want them to do.

If you're willing to help out, hit me up on steam.

Steamid: LordImperialComr4de

It's an ant farm, what more do you want from it ffs?

Off Topic / Re: USA Challenges Japan to Giant Robot Duel
« on: July 08, 2015, 08:56:32 AM »
look at all of you casuals and your bipeds

go home, kids
Legs are just for show!

Off Topic / Re: USA Challenges Japan to Giant Robot Duel
« on: July 07, 2015, 03:33:31 PM »

the comments on the response video are terrible
kids these days don't know the glory of a good ol fashion VF-1
muh scope dog

gilgamesh did rolling robots first

Remember when 200 pages was a lot?

Thanks Minecraft and MLP.

Games / Re: StarMade - New GUI! Station Blueprints!
« on: July 07, 2015, 10:01:01 AM »
going to shamelessly cross post from the PM i sent out on teh starmade forums

To all you Arstotzkans who are confused on the PM from TwoNiner:

I've come to an agreement with TwoNiner and Incap about forming a new faction. I've said many times that I've wanted to do something with a slightly more original namesake and this is our chance. The Helkan Imperium is the new title we will carry. In short, we're bankrolling this enterprise for them.

Why is this happening?

I'm giving up on running factions lol. I'm not doing a very decent job at it and these guys would do it better. I put in a few stipulations about folding our faction into theirs and we'll remain mostly intact as a separate fleet. Of course, there may be some reassignments, but for the most part very little will change.

One of the stipulations that I laid out was that Crunk gets to basically do what he wants. This is what he does now and it works very well for us, I see no reason for that to change.

The stuffty part is that this faction will have a relatively uniform fleet design. For now, we can keep what we have but we need to start working towards moving the aesthetics to be more uniform with the main faction.

In exchange for our material support, they agreed to some stipulations.

    Crunk gets to continue to do whatever.
    I will retain command over fleet operations for the Arstotzkan Fleet (which will be renamed soon)
    Reassignment from the Arstotzkan faction to another fleet command will be discussed with myself before it happens.
    Current designs will remain in use by the Third Arstotzkan Fleet until they can be adapted to new aesthetic standards.

1) Crunk does great when he has no leash. I'd hate to lose someone awesome because he has to behave within the parameters of a fleet command. Of course, you will have to help out on some operations.

2) Self explanatory.

3) I want to keep us together for now. We're a pretty veteran group of players and keeping this fleet as the vet team will be good for us and our reputation

4) We've all put a lot of work into our projects and throwing it all away is ridiculous. This will let us adapt our designs to the new aesthetic standards (it's doable. most of it is already within parameters)

Short FAQ:

Does this mean we're going to stop taking /vg/ and/or BLF players?
Hell no. This just means that they won't go to arstotzka, they'll go to Helkan.

What happens to our current base?
That's under debate. I'm completely against just throwing it away. Current plans indicate that it will be relocated to a Black Hole event horizon as a remote command station.

What are the new colors?
Black and Purple. But I think this is stupid so we'll just be replacing the red with Purple.

I don't want to be a part of Odium!
This isn't Odium. In fact, we're setting this up in opposition to them.

I don't want to be a part of this!
Ok, bye. I'm not going to drag you into this.

Any other questions, please ask.

Basically, Arstotzka is merging with a faction started by Incap and TwoNiner in opposition to the Odium Pact. We're practically funding the startup so they've given us a lot of leeway.

Off Topic / Re: USA Challenges Japan to Giant Robot Duel
« on: July 06, 2015, 07:25:50 PM »
Watch out and make sure those damn japs don't bring a perfect soldier

Games / Re: StarMade - New GUI! Station Blueprints!
« on: July 06, 2015, 08:28:58 AM »
Enclosed decks are cool but launching fighters is a BITCH.

This is the carrier that my brother BDLS has been building

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