Author Topic: My Indie Game - Hotel Noir: A Cardboard Caper  (Read 3454 times)

Me and a team of four have been working on a game for the past year and a half.
It's a game where you play as a detective trying to solve mysteries within a hotel if the name hasn't given that away.
We are currently 1/3rd the way through with it and just recently came out with our first gameplay trailer.

VV Check out the video below. VV


Currently we have 4 people in our team which we call "Minilith". I am the lead artist, along with a programmer, a story writer, and a composer who made the kickass score to the trailer. We have about an hour and a half of gameplay so far, with 52 characters and three floors, each with a new chapter. We're aiming to bump the gameplay up to a solid 10 hours so we can potentially ship the game to console. Ill post some updates as they happen, if they happen.

We do have a Kickstarter for it, but I have no idea how the forums handles self promotion. So I wont link to it yet. I doesn't take a super sleuth to find it if you're interested anyway.

If you have any questions or comments about whatever, post em. Ill answer anything when I can.

you've come a long way.

And we have a long way to go.

When was the last time you saw it? Musta been ages ago

baber bario

That's kinda why we made it, yeah.
The design doc was basically L.A. Noir mixed with baber bario.

its like hotel dusk but cardboard. looks cool. the visual style is nice especially the transition between levels. cool

as far as the aesthetic goes it looks really cool but if i don't see a single oversized pair of scissors or some spare tape and exacto knives lying around in the gameworld i'm going to give you -2 points on the consistency rating on my official phanto review
« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 07:38:19 PM by thegoodperry »

real post. can i ask what the game's about? is it like a point and click adventure? a visual novel? a puzzle? what is the gameplay like?

real post. can i ask what the game's about? is it like a point and click adventure? a visual novel? a puzzle? what is the gameplay like?

It's a mystery who-done-it type game. You go around the hotel, talk to people and try to gather clues as to who's behind whatever established mystery is going on.
The first chapter revolves around where all the paper cats are coming from. The second involves a string of robberies. And the third has a mafia take over. Most of these events are shown in the trailer, but as to why and who, you have to figure out through context clues. It's a story game.

We recently showed it off at the Boston FIG, but its one of those games you want to spent time with and immerse yourself into the story. Kind of hard to show at a convention. Biggest comment we got was about how cool the aesthetic was.

there's a glitch at 1:06 but i'm sure u already know that

make hotel california now

there's a glitch at 1:06 but i'm sure u already know that

Im guessing you mean the green thing? That's a placeholder highlight for an area of effect that destroys barriers.
It's one of the powerups/abilities that you acquire. The visuals aren't ironed out yet.

the meat room with eyes that follow you looks like it was made by charles

the visuals are amazing. i'm pledging to the kickstarter.
i noticed there isn't a tier that gives backers the game upon release, not even for the higher tiers. i'm pledging anyways, but why did you decide to not give any backers the game?

the visuals are amazing. i'm pledging to the kickstarter.
i noticed there isn't a tier that gives backers the game upon release, not even for the higher tiers. i'm pledging anyways, but why did you decide to not give any backers the game?

We thought it would be a risky move to promise people with a release. We aren't really sure now long the rest of the game may take to complete, so instead of potentially missing a set time for a backer reward we opted to offer immediate or near immediate rewards.

I thought it was weird, but the rest of the team agreed on it.
Also, thank you very much!