Author Topic: Admin Chat  (Read 4478 times)

Admin Chat v2.0.0

It's been around for nearly eight years now, my original admin chat. I revisited the old code and decided it could use a little tweaking. The old topic is certainly locked, so I've made a new one.


Admin Chat allows admins to communicate directly. You can use /ac or a delimiter (@ by default) to talk with other Admins and /sac to talk to other Super Admins.


Original v2 (2010) -> 2.0.0
  • Added support for URLs
  • Added delimiters (changeable via prefs)
  • Changed "AdminChat(name)" to "AC(name)" (toggle via prefs)
  • Added super admin chat via /sac
  • ML control characters are now stripped from text

Great.  I used to use admin chat all the time.

Useful as the older version, nice.

EDIT: Blockland Glass' website is down at the moment.

Can you make a version where $@ notifies super admins or something?

You should make it so that if you type in a command, like for example /tac or /tsc so that way anything you type in will go to admin chat, and vice versa. Its basically a keybind in a command, but idk the limitations.
No.  This should have been obvious.

Talk to admins     Talk to super admins
/ac text/sac text
@ text$@ text

It doesn't exist as a part of this mod and makes it awkwardly not rounded out.

And now for a legit mute mod...

And now for a legit mute mod...

im working on one but currently i need to finish implementing my bignum library to support mute times longer than 2 decades (at least, displaying them). it should come with a shadowmute and also a channels mod. im not sure if im breaking slayer with it though.

im working on one but currently i need to finish implementing my bignum library to support mute times longer than 2 decades

this is completely unnecessary

this is completely unnecessary
What, you've never wanted to mute somebody for 2 octillion years? What's wrong with you?

this is completely unnecessary
hes doin it for fun, the madman. big numbers in bl, big past utc expiration

i made a mute mod that actually has the mute victim say something to the choice of the muter followed by the actual mute. so you could make the victim say something like "god i wish i wasn't so handicapped" and they couldn't back up anything because they are muted. so they have to deal with the absolute embarrassment of making themselves look like an idiot from saying something completely stupid

remove every third letter in every message is also effective