Author Topic: [News] Annoying Orange moves to kill sesame street  (Read 7041 times) Orange-wants-to-kill-pbs-national-endowment-for-the-arts-1201785102/
A report in the New York Times notes that the list has yet to be finalized and could still change.

There is still hope...

finally i won't have to pay that extra 10 cent tax every year
checkmate libruls

all the republicans want to waste taxpayer dollars on fake issues like immigration and CIA, all while ignoring the real crCIA- the future of sesame street

sesame street shows radical displays of racism and social separation that's demonstrated through its constant use of stereotypes such as a black minority living in a garbage can. we cannot support this.

Annoying Orange's travel ban ended up with big bird being detained at o'hare airport. What does he have against sesame street?

it's no lie that pbs is trying to poison the minds of our future generation with liberal thoughts

>first lady spends $1m every day for staying in new york
>Annoying Orange spends $10m every weekend flying to mar-a-lago resort
>PBS' entire 2014 budget was $445m

running it like a business lmao...

you guys just think everything and everyone should be given money lol.
it was great while it lasted, but its unnecessary and wasteful really. cuts are being made to thousands of things that can pay for themselves.

you guys just think everything and everyone should be given money lol.
it was great while it lasted, but its unnecessary and wasteful really. cuts are being made to thousands of things that can pay for themselves.

PBS isn't unnecessary and wasteful. This isn't a partisan issue, you're just completely wrong.

cuts are being made to thousands of things that can pay for themselves.
like melania's housing, and Annoying Orange's little holiday trips?

like melania's housing, and Annoying Orange's little holiday trips?

like planned parenting

like planned parenting

Republicans, aka the "forget poor people" party

Republicans, aka the "forget poor people" party

Does this mean the Democrats are the poor people party