


Author Topic: Earth 3.0 - I'm back  (Read 151290 times)

Country name: New Nogova
Flag (Make it with Paint.NET, GIMP, or something similar):

Government type: Democracy
Ally(s)*: New Porlaq, New Irajinia, Duck
Root Country (Preferably USA or Russia): Russia/Nogova
Population(Max is 45,000,000 for now): 42,421,600
Capital: Meijekiv
National Anthem**: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK2T2aPooy4&feature=related
Languages: Russia, English
Main Infantry: AK-45S
Helicopter: RAH66 Comanche
Fighter jet: Sukhoi PAK FA

DEFCON Alert posture***: 5 - Normal readiness

Shinji left so i'll be taking over his country. before you ask, he said i could somewhere in the thread.

can you change new nogova to this post, will?

Prochnost News

Fish comes out of its hiding place for the first time in hundreds of years
Oh my, have we got lucky. The so-called "extinct" Steller's Sea Cow was found swimming in the warm waters of northern Prochnost. Fisher Artem Kuznetsov has been fishing for salmon when something caught his eye. "I was just there, waiting for the fish to get the bait, until I saw large ripples in the water. Then I saw a the head of the fish, which I thought was a rock. When I threw a pebble at it, it showed me its face. I was astonished; I have never saw a fish like this. There was some ropes that I have packed, so I used it to make a net. I set up the net and caught the fish. It was not easy."
Kuznetsov called his wife over and she called the official Prochnost SeaLife Society (PSS). "This wasn't a common fish. It wasn't mutated. It was the extinct Steller's Sea Cow," said the boss of the PSS. "We did extensive research and found that this fish was said to extincted in the 18th century."

The PSS found 50 more Steller's Sea Cows. They are now under their care. The fish is now called Skrytie ryby which is Russian for "hiding fish".

Country name: Arussica
Flag :
Government type: Capitalism
Ally(s): We are neutral with all for now.
Root Country:USA/Russia
Population(Max is 45,000,000 for now): 5,000,000
Capital: Moshlavika
National Anthem**: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMZfXN1UOpw
Languages: Russian and English
Weaponry**: GHA101
DEFCON Alert posture***: 2
« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 03:35:23 PM by Decepticon »


A New Nogovan PAK-FA went down yesterday over west New Nogova and hit a village, killing 20. It is unknown what caused the crash but it is believed to be related to an unidentified aircraft flying over Whickely base earlier Wednesday morning. New Nogova is investigating the incident and whoever is held responsible will be dealt with by the government.

Here's a video of the crash:


(sorry about the lag my computer isn't meant for this stuff lol)
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 07:54:04 PM by Strovbe »

Wow, thanks Strovbe. Now I'm going to HAVE to buy ARMA. :cookieMonster:

Wow, thanks Strovbe. Now I'm going to HAVE to buy ARMA. :cookieMonster:

I prefer ArmA II, but I can't run it

Im downloading the demo of ArmA 2
Same, lol how it's M for just strong language and blood.

Aroneuryi Bulletin: Breaking Story

  • An earthquake of unexplainable magnitude or origin has rocked the southern region of Irajina's colony, breaking off a large chunk of ice from a glacier and destroying the entire colony. It is not known if citizens were still in the colony when the earthquake happened, and PM Kanew Rhemes has offered to provide diplomatic support and dispatch AID soldiers to assist in the recovery of any possible survivors.
Whole colony was evacuated. Do not worry.

Arussica News Today

   Arussica learns English. More stories today new cities are being built. Weather is sunny in Arussica today               

Small update to population.



Government type: Democratic
Ally(s): Farken, Aerostad
Root Country: Russia/Sonueryi
Population: 28,246,357
Capital: Brevik
Languages: English, Russian, Italian, German, French, Spanish

Primary: Areni AM-78
Secondary: Cretok 9mm sidearm
DEFCON Alert posture: Level 5 - Peacetime Readiness

Military Aircraft: Five-hundred (500) KY-35 BLU-Js, Ninety (90) M56 Attack Helicopters, Fifteen (15) JI-60 Large Transports

Troops: 3,002,691
AID (Sort of like the National Guard): 789,654
Infantry: 567,894
Air Force: 987,675
Special OPs: 2683
Navy: 645,785

« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 09:12:23 PM by Comatose »

it reminds me of 'irony'  :cookieMonster:

it reminds me of 'irony'  :cookieMonster:

It's funny, that's the word that actually made me think of the name.

a photo of New Nogavas recent atomic test.