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Topics - Luigi609

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / Knowing me as a Person
« on: May 23, 2015, 12:55:45 AM »
Most of you recognize me as a 12 year old who complains a lot
I am going to tell you that is not true like in another post I made inside I feel more then just an average 12 year old and I can't show it to the world because no one takes you seriously when your'e 12 and on the internet.
I try so hard to be taken seriously that it makes me look ignorant, handicapped, and ect.
Honestly some of you also may see me as a 12 year old attention hog who bans a lot
Again your'e wrong I ban "a lot" because you pricks piss me off
this post was not made for attention it was made to show how I feel I am going to get lots of flame with my stay on the forums, but I will try to make it through to the very end when I look back as a man and laugh about what a time I had on this little community.

I may make errors in my speech, but again no one will barely take me seriously and continue to hate on me

/discuss about what you just read

Drama / Another loving Drama
« on: May 23, 2015, 12:43:51 AM »
I know this is going to happen, "STPD U NEED EVNDSE GIT UFF TH FRMS"
All I have to say to that is, "Piss off" I don't have time to listen to nagging about not enough evidence
All I have is this

So it starts with me joining a W.I.P. server and we get into a discussion about scripting
It started getting ugly when he questioned my scripting abilities
so I asked the admin
"Grades or *ahem* scores"
One of the Super Admins: "Grades don't matter"
I get kicked with a message saying
The server dropped connection
so I joined back and started off again
"Think about when 'grades don't matter' when your'e sitting i-"
Banned with the reason below

Gallery / [VIDEO] Four Nights at Luigi609's 1,2,3, and "5"
« on: May 22, 2015, 12:23:48 AM »
I shoved it all into one video,
I am allowing ratings (x/10)
Do not give an x/10 style rating unless the builder asks for one.
EDIT: I only have the first map because the stuff up loader didn't upload the video right

Help / SpeedKart Minigame Carries over to other gamemodes
« on: May 17, 2015, 08:44:35 PM »
When I start a server on custom gamemode no matter how many times I restart it, it will load the default minigame from speedkart

Drama / Server Crashing is still happening
« on: May 17, 2015, 12:22:31 AM »
Today I was on a fnaf server (don't judge you prick)
and SimpleOS joined and sent me a message on steam until it became a conversation it ended badly with it reminding me of the other dramas about server crashing
here's the conversation

SimpleOS 2.0v: you think this server is autistic?
[NOPE] Luigi609: No
SimpleOS 2.0v: is it bad?
[NOPE] Luigi609: The host is
SimpleOS 2.0v: mhmm.
SimpleOS 2.0v: do you like fnaf?
[NOPE] Luigi609: holy stuff
[NOPE] Luigi609: yes
SimpleOS 2.0v: i hate its fandom for what it creates.
SimpleOS 2.0v: its stuff is cringeworthy to the point of suiciding
SimpleOS 2.0v: im gonna ask you something.
SimpleOS 2.0v: do you like the server in itself?
[NOPE] Luigi609: I would if it had a good host
SimpleOS 2.0v: well
[NOPE] Luigi609: afk
SimpleOS 2.0v: alright, so
SimpleOS 2.0v: i have a offer. chances are, you won't like it.
SimpleOS 2.0v: i hate almost all FNAF server hosts.
SimpleOS 2.0v: it's attempt to integrate with blockland has been phenominally stupid.
SimpleOS 2.0v: the drama forum
SimpleOS 2.0v: has adapted
SimpleOS 2.0v: to where FNAF is a common problem
SimpleOS 2.0v: wait, are you still on?
[NOPE] Luigi609: i left it
[NOPE] Luigi609: was
[NOPE] Luigi609: getting
[NOPE] Luigi609: boring as hell
SimpleOS 2.0v: i'll do it later
SimpleOS 2.0v: i was gonna event crash it with a autoclicker.
SimpleOS 2.0v: it sounds cruel but if Sugar is a SA it's a must
for more proof I all add a screenshot

So after the conversation it reminded me again of another drama where he added this one guy and said how he was going to crash a server
I made this drama to see what you guys think


Now git posting

Off Topic / FNaF Community Haters - War 1 of 6
« on: May 09, 2015, 01:58:40 PM »
So I was hosting my Fan FNAF game when this cigarette comes in and nags about how stupid the fnaf community is
read the chat in the images, and these are in order
I am not making this for attention I am making this so some of you clueless morons will figure out what is going on
Play this when reading to amp the effect:

If I get one single flame I am locking

Help / When Blockland Starts New Addons don't load
« on: April 26, 2015, 10:23:47 AM »
Now some of you might say, "OMEE GAWD RED DIS TOOPIC YOU NEWB<link>". Well no the only way I can get my addons to load is if I restart my pc which I don't want to do every time I get a new addon because my pc takes "years" to restart. I've tried the tips that Badspot posted but non of them work except me restarting my pc.
Does anyone else get this problem or is it just me?

Music / Five Nights at Freddy's 2 and Five Nights at Freddy's 3 Music
« on: April 11, 2015, 12:11:57 PM »
Now I know Music_Freddy Exists but it hasn't ripped music out of FNaF 2 or FNaF 3
 --Music from FNaF 2
 --Music from FNaF 3
EDIT: This does not contain all music from the games
EDIT2: This works out so you dont have to event a lot

Help / Forums Help - 1
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:41:19 PM »
After a certain amount of replies is it still possible to lock posts?
Because I need to get rid of a horrible post I made...

Drama / Surprised? Yes I am!
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:38:07 PM »
Every time I host about 5 people join and start "accidently" doing things, and it happens just on a bad day for some reason. Here is a list of things they do
1. Can I have admin?
2. *repeatably hits me with a hammer*
3. Disobeys me/staff
4. *Joins, Spawns, Looks through my entire list of items/weapons, goes through my list of vehicles, Leaves*
5. Plain being annoying

And out of the chaos people tell me I abuse my admin for punishing them yet I have not been dramad on the forums except for this which doesn't count really:
Yet here is the most annoying thing people do to me
*Joins, Says something bad about me or the server, and leaves*
So I am sitting here surprised at the community
EDIT: This topic was moved from the Off-Topic Section, and blame the forum viewers they wanted me to move the topic to the drama section

Off Topic / Surprised? Yes I am!
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:29:31 PM »
Every time I host about 5 people join and start "accidently" doing things, and it happens just on a bad day for some reason. Here is a list of things they do
1. Can I have admin?
2. *repeatably hits me with a hammer*
3. Disobeys me/staff
4. *Joins, Spawns, Looks through my entire list of items/weapons, goes through my list of vehicles, Leaves*
5. Plain being annoying

And out of the chaos people tell me I abuse my admin for punishing them yet I have not been dramad on the forums except for this which doesn't count really:
Yet here is the most annoying thing people do to me
*Joins, Says something bad about me or the server, and leaves*
So I am sitting here surprised at the community

Drama / Oh God... Sweet Jesus!.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
« on: March 10, 2015, 09:49:10 PM »

User was banned for this post

Drama / Great another FNAF Nerd. Leggomania - 104975
« on: January 02, 2015, 05:29:18 PM »
I don't care how big his ID is he is being very annoying
So i went on his server it was a crappy remake of FNAF 2 with 2 rooms
We all had swords and suddenly he started "putting poison in the pizza" and started killing everyone, and then a guy said "Lol I get banned for killing and the host kills me twice"
Then he made his character into a ghost. So then i chased him and he said this "You cant see me im a ghost" *Puts ghost vision on* "if you look at me i will ban you" I was like "Seriously"
and guess what happened next

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