Author Topic: apparently iban has an article on encyclopedia dramatica  (Read 4891 times)

nsfw warning put the link together to see it
other parts of the site have gore and research so browse at your own risk


hes insane holy stuff
« Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 06:52:18 PM by DestroyerOfBlocks »

"minecraft with lego men" the new blockland slogan right there

funny read but whenever I try going to another article or link it gives me one of those pop up "your computer is infected, scan now to save a life" with a prompt

null is the cringiest name i can possibly think of

but i guess he did actually call himself 'not important' so

Wait null is Iban? How did I never know this

He's on my friends list damnit and I never knew he was Iban

im so sorry for summoning him

watch iban come back and say "none of this is true!!!!"

i don't see anything nsfw anywhere there

i'm loving crying holy stuff

Don't click on "Minecraft with Lego men"
it literally leads you to crap

didn't/does maroon cacti have one too?

apparently lord tony frequents on there too... i found an image he posted, and that linked to his profile... and it is most DEFINITELY him, lmao
probably a little bit very nsfw. no researchographical images on his profile page, but something somewhat less savoury.
access at your own risk.