Author Topic: Output Event - randomVariable - additional Variable-Conditional Events  (Read 5245 times)

Output Event - randomVariable
Adds randomVariable function to the Variable-Conditional Events



I see alot of usefulness of this output event

Simple but heavy duty.

This is for those who already knew about the Variable-Conditional Events by Destiny
(and knows how to use them)

(Hey! For the record. This is my first event made ever, :D and it works!)


- randomVariable for Player
- randomVariable for Client
- randomVariable for Brick


Here is how you input the random variable:

Parameters (where you put your variables in)

Now, input any range. For example, the variable ranges to 1 to 100, it'll be like this:

onActivate > Self > randomVariable

Range can be of any value, even negatives.

Once its executed, it will form a random variable which ranges in the parameters which you have made.


Known bugs

None yet. If there is, please post. That'll be helpful (rather than being a bragger who puts you down)


Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

Required Add-On
This Add-On requires in order to work, so make sure to download it too!
« Last Edit: October 24, 2008, 03:42:53 PM by jaydee0004 »

Awesome, now release BF Pack.

nice, scratch cards here i come! as big as a wall...

Wow i just went braindead. Anyways, This is awsome. Usefull for Random Events

Nice, :D. But make it choose what your creating the random variable for. Like Brick, Player or Client.

I'm gonna make a giant board game!!!  :cookieMonster:

Nice, :D. But make it choose what your creating the random variable for. Like Brick, Player or Client.
You mean like the target field?

You mean like the target field?

Yes, a drop down box saying what object your setting the random variable to.

It kept causing buffer overruns.

Yes, a drop down box saying what object your setting the random variable to.
I think I said that wrong.

You mean, what the target field seems to do?

whats a variable

A variable is basically something (in this case a number) That can be changed.

Shut up. He asked a question because he wanted to know the answer, and instead of answering him you insulted him.