Author Topic: Sleep over  (Read 1731 times)

I have made a list of things:

1.I slept on the floor and he slept in my bed.
2.I only 2 blankets sucks.
3.He got my PC and deleted my profile on my favorite game.
4.He also got my Xbox 360 and games.
5.He scared me half to death from my closet he pulled me in and screamed.

I was so happy when he left!

And so marks the hilarious part of this topic. :cookieMonster:

i need to update my profile
Because you are ten and want to be 12 to show that your sleep over is gayer?

Because you are ten and want to be 12 to show that your sleep over is gayer?
Well because he is ten he does not get the fact that the older you are the dayer this is. Especially when you call it a sleep over X3